So.... I'm sure y'all remember my sad tale of Mr.Pot no.1
yeah..... he died.
He was leaking SO much! He drenched several towels that I have hanging up so they can dry.
I duct tapped him all up, but water was still leaking into the bottom where all the electrical magic is going on, and I don't really want to be electrocuted, so I had to get a new one.
Introducing, Mr. Pot no. 2!
I also made my first vlog, which is posted on youtube, but it's crap, so dont go looking for it.
I've really gotten into blogging/vloging lately and how it affects our culture in terms of news spreading and information.
Some people have even started relationships over vlogs!
So when I had to do a speech for my Communications class informing people about something that I'm passionate about, or have experience with, I thought about blogging.
So I looked it up on Wikipedia :D
And there is so much about blogging that I never knew about! It's kinda' awesome.
I'm not sure if I'll start vlogging for this blog, but I already have a super sweet intro in the works for the First East's vlog :D
We were going to film it today, but Kenny was feeling a bit under the weather, so we'll probably do it tomorrow.
And in the spirit of nerdy-ness, I thought I'd share another picture that made me laugh this week. enjoy
I have officially christened Mr. Pot no. 2 by making a cup of (actually pretty decent) instant coffee, a cup of earl grey, and a cup of tension tamer tea :D