In comes THE dress. You've all seen it. It's the same dress that everyone and their mother is selling right now.... you know.. this one

Whether it has the three tiers or just a simple skirt, it EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!
And it looks so easy to make! Take a tank top, sew on an elastic waist band, use an old sheet for the skirt and voila! new dress.
The trouble for me is that I'm picky about my dresses. I don't like them above my knee, because I'm very modest (not to mention I have pasty white legs and icky knees). I also like to have sleeves, because it just feels weird to go sleeveless for me.
So, I can make this dress myself, and I figure I can make it MY way!
So here's my plan for my "Modern Alice" dress (keep in mind I'm not a sketch artist)

The White parts are white. The black parts are black. The gray parts are light blue.
So there it is, hopefully I can bring it to life soon.
And on the topic of dresses. OH! this one makes me want to travel back in time to Austen times and have tea in the garden

yes it's from Modcloth
In other news. My wonderful (and amazing artist too!!) right above me* cousin, Conner, introduced me to a new amazing musician, Zee Avi. Her voice is amazing!!!! And I love her songs.
My description of her song "Bitter Heart" was that I wanted to dress in 20's clothes, drink tea, and watch old home movies ( the kind with the faded color), and then going for a swim in a lake... all of which happening at a grand English estate.
Here it is:
She totally adds to my quirky 20's-ish kick right now.
I also learned one of her songs today on my ukulele, Ulysses.
Ahhh... I love it so much.
Also, Since I'm a poor college student now, I wasn't able to afford a Comic Con pass this year *heavy sob*
So I've been living vicariously through others and the news channels. I'm very fortunate to have it right here in my hometown, San Diego. It also pains me even more because everyday on my way to work in Coronado, I pass by the shiny bright convention center and stare at it with deep longing.
So I've been watching the local news covering it, but also I've stumbled upon vloggers on youtube who are going and updating. (AH!!!!)
Silly me, came upon one who sounded familiar, turns out he is friends with another vlogger who's videos I watched a while back ago because it was right after the beginnings of my Doctor Who obsession, and he happened to look like David Tennant.
Well, he was also pretty funny, and there was a whole group of people vlogging about their lives and such, and they all became friends!
Sounds like the mugglenet/mugglecast story about something like a book or technology bringing people together.
Anyways, It makes me want to vlog too. But then again, I already blog here. And I know I'm awful with editing video.... Remember the Rescue video I promised back in spring? Where is it? Sitting in my "Rescue" file, in my "Year one" file, waiting to be edited on iMovie. But I do love blogging.
Sometimes I even finish a blog entry and then want to do another one, just because it was so fun.
Awwww.... I'm such a nerd
*sob* David Tennant is going to be there..... on Sunday...... DAVID TENNANT!!!! in SAN DIEGO!!!!!!!!!
And I have to work. Last show of 'The Fantasticks' that night. I'm trying to go see 'Godspell' after my show see, 'Godspell' is playing at the Horton Grand. It's downtown. A block from the Convention Center.
I'll do anything to be close to it.
..... all I want is to see one storm trooper
* The cousin's on my Dad's side are pretty much in a line, separated by a year, almost a year, or a little over a year it goes as follows:
Kyle, Taran (my brother), Amber, Conner, Me, Anna, Nathaniel.
At a certain part of the year we all line up in age... the next line I think will be
24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18
Crazy huh?
..... okay, so I've edited this post about a thousand times now, adding more and more, because I've had more and more to say, but I didn't want to make a whole other post..... Anyways. I've been thinking about different ways I can create things and got myself out there in the world, because I know there's more for me out there.... and I've looked at all the different sites and things, and there's one that I have yet to give in to... so
Should I get a Twitter?
I'll prolly make it a poll..... even though no one reads this, so no one will probably answer.........
oh well