This, to me, is a dream.
I've always had that odd urge to wear a pretty flouncy dress while riding a bike. I don't know where it came from, but I've wanted to for as long as I can remember. I look back on my thoughts as a young lass thinking "well that would be quite stupid... the dress would get all caught up in the wheels!" But now I know that it can be done. You can wear pretty things while riding a bike. And not just pretty dresses, but yet another childhood dream of mine. A white dress.
I've never had the model look. I've never had the model purse either. But someday (besides my wedding...) I want to own a pretty flowy-white fairy dress. I've forever been on the lookout for one. And of course, my favorite clothing distributor, Modcloth, has not failed me...

Wouldn't that be wonderful?!
It is hard for me to admit that I want a bike. It's suddenly become the cool and hipster thing to do. But as a 20 year old with no license or car and no financial purse to have one in the near future, a bike sounds wonderfully freeing. I've always been dependent on others, I've never gone to get groceries by myself. All my errands have been with someone else, how could they not be?
Now, I do get a bit scared at the thought of going out on my own on a bike, where there are no metal doors to protect me from the outside world. But with proper teachings, I feel that it could be done!
And think about it. Pretty bike.....
And it doesn't even have to be pretty! ( I can make up for that on my own... *cough*) All I ask for is a brown wicker basket on the front to carry books, art supplies, and findings in.
This may become a necessity in the future, depending on my living quarters and if I am to stay on campus or not. The other scary part is that I haven't ridden a bike since I was about 9, and still had my awesome Queen Amidala Star Wars helmet......
What?! it went with my water gun.
-Brenna Kathleen