So I had a super crazy dream last night. I told Kenny and Jojo, and Kenny told me to write it down so, that's what I'm doing.
It started kinda' like Buffy. But I was at school, and my "watcher" called me to go see him, so I walked up to McNally, and ended up in a room which looked strangely like my kitchen/family room. There was an old man there who I took to be my watcher, and he directed my attention towards the sliding glass door that in reality leads to my backyard, but this time I looked out and I saw myself standing there looking right back at me. The man told me it was a body blogger, a sort of shape shifter that can turn into anyone (and other objects as well).The old man warned me not to open the door and let it loose or it will do damage.
But apparently it wouldn't do too much damage because the next thing I remember is going to the movies with one of them (there were suddenly two now) who was kind enough to take on the shape of a rather handsome young fellow. It wasn't like going to normal movies, it was like watching it at someones house. He was sitting on the end of a couch and I was sitting on the floor in front of him with my back leaned up against the couch bottom. Then my dream's attention was turned to another girl who seemed to get quite jealous at the fact that I was at the movies with a hot dude she'd never seen before.
Next thing I knew we were in a car driving home, but we were in the same spots in the car (him in a couch like seat, and me on the floor in front) as we were at the movies. And the mean popular chick was driving with her posse next to us trying to get our attention because she wanted to get with the Body blogger.
I remember some other things in between about the Emerson Dorm and walking around with the body blogger but i remember more about the...
Next dream scene we were at some party-like gathering on Metzger lawn and there were a bunch of people hanging out and dancing (scandal!) and such. For some reason the other body blogger was a evil and there were other people after the two of us so we had to get away.
"go! run! you have to get away from them!" the body blogger earnestly told me as the hunters were zoning in on where we were in the crowd.
"I wont leave you!" I tried to cry
"you have to!" He turned into me "I'll buy you some time. now GO!"
I turned around and dashed into the crowd, weaving and bobbing through, trying to run away form the others quickly coming after me.
They had already caught up with my doppelganger, but when they tried to catch him he turned into his in-between state which is sorta like tinker bell's pixie dust. They become glowing little orbs that dance and fly through in a pack through the air like a school of fish.
I made it out of the crowd onto the other side of Metzger lawn. I had avoided the people coming after me, but then I saw it. A showdown had begun. I saw my body blogger standing in his hot dude human form facing the evil body blogger in his whatever evil human person form that I can't really remember. I tried to run to them, but they were in a face off. The huge crowds of people had disappeared, and my body blogger had lost the fight. He was just dimly lit pixie dust. I don't remember what happened to the evil body blogger, perhaps mine had sacrificed himself in order to defeat his foe.
I was suddenly wearing a skirt with an apron on top, so I held it up to make a bowl, and beckoned my body blogger, too weak to get out of his in-between state, to rest in
my apron while I took him to safety.
I ended up taking him to a room in McNally, where I made a little resting spot out of a cardboard box and some cloth where he could get better. But he didn't like it because the box's sides were too high, and he couldn't see me sitting there with him, so we turned it on it's side. I ended up falling asleep with my head and arm resting on the table, outstretched and open palmed in the box's direction. When I woke up the dust-like body blogger was in my hand. I noticed he was growing dimer, and that he was dying. I couldn't stand to see him die.
I had a Beauty and the Beast moment where I was holding him in my hands, crying over him, telling him he couldn't leave me. I loved him.
then just like the movies everything was shiny and glowing, and my body blogger had regained his life. He was in his hot dude form and he was holding me. He held me close to him and told me to close my eyes. His glow was so bright that I would have been blinded if I had looked.
We were in love, and he wanted to marry me. He even pulled a bit of himself off of him, it looked like suddenly pulling out a wisp of golden sparkles from his side, and it became a ring. I turned him down though.
I couldn't marry him! I had to finish school!
He said he'd come to school too, and we'd be together until we're done and then we can marry. I said he couldn't afford school and he had to get a job.
"Brenna," he looked down at me slowly shaking his head at my silliness. "I've been around for hundreds of years. I can afford college."
So he went to school with me, and he not only paid for his unnecessary education, but (after many battles where I declined, but he reminded we were going to share everything anyways) paid for mine as well.
We also decided that he needed to have a name. Through this whole silly dream I had never thought of a name for him. So I suggested Alistair, because I love that name, and want to name my son that someday. He said that I should continue saving it for my son. So we came up with Edward. (go ahead and squeal you twilight crazy fangirls, I've liked the name for longer than Stephenie Meyer has had a publisher)
He was a tricky little body blogger though. I guess a made up mythical like creature always had a bit of mischief in it. He would turn into things like an eraser or book, and sneak into my room when it wasn't man hours, and i would get so mad at him. I'd demand he leave at once, but he kept on being persistent. He'd say that if him in human form made me uncomfortable then he'd be something else, and poof! he was a bouncy little Cocker Spaniel. But he'd yap and make noise, and I'm not allowed to have pets in the dorm, so he became a cat, and won me over by saying things about how I've always wanted a cat. So he'd keep me company while I studied as a little kitty, and when someone came into the room he would turn into something inconspicuous like a teddy bear.
That's all I remember about it. I had woken up after this point and noticed it was 6 in the morning. I was not pleased. But i had had a super awesome dream! So I risked losing sleep and tried to go over it and remember as much as possible so i could retell it later on. Like I am now! But it's late, and I'm slightly sick So I need to get to bed. Besides, you never know who you'll fall in love with tonight. :)
sweet dreams!
...well, maybe not seven. let's see: art major, friend, sister, daughter,makeup artist, stylist, designer,singer, librarian, writer, princess, actress, roommate, neighbor... okay, maybe more than seven
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Written Tuesday late afternoon March 10, 2009
I’m on the train! :D I’m heading back up to Biola, after coming down to San Diego on Sunday.
My friend Dina got married yesterday! YAY! It was awesome. I really want to write about all the people on the train, so I’ll leave out wedding details fro now. I’m too ADD to focus on writing about the wedding when so much is going on right now!
So. The ride down here was pretty much empty, not many people travel on Sunday morning. But Tuesday afternoon is a completely different story!
Just a bit ago, some Amish people walked by! I dunno if they were Amish, but the dude had a funny coat, and the chick had a cute little bonnet on.
Sitting one seat in front of me across the aisle is a mother and a son. The mother is the one I can see the best. She has on a floral shirt that I’m pretty sure I’ve seen in my grandma’s closet, and a giant monster mouth clip holds up the top half of her hair. Except she isn't wearing it in the normal on the side of the back of her head. It's literally right on top, like when I used to clip it to the top of my head and pretend it was a crown when I was little. Her glasses are black frames with little polka dots along the side, and she’s wearing thick gold hoop earrings. She keeps going through the bag in front of her and pulling things out such as gum and the subscription slips you get in your magazines. Right now it seems she’s settled on a word search book, she doesn’t have a pen. Her son is all emo. Whenever I see him, it’s the back of his head and he has his oversized brown hoodie pulled up over it.
The guy in front of them has been talking to an older couple that has a young two-year-old child. He’s a high school substitute teacher, and his roommate in college served in Iraq for a while. The husband in the couple is a full time marine, and very vocal about his opinions. He even shared his pet name for Iraq to the entire train car. The woman keeps saying things like “honey don’t say that” and “did you take her wipes out?” The little girl wines about little girl things occasionally and yells the word “tree” whenever she sees one out the window. Which is a lot.
There’s a guy two seats behind me who keeps talking on his phone to a guy he likes to call homes and dude. He’s talking about some sort of get together that sounds like a musical thing, and keeps saying “fo sho”
Now there’s another guy sitting in the row in front of me. He’s taken up talking to the older woman sitting with her son. I’m not sure what they’re talking about, but it seems to be about the economy and war. Oh joy. He came in at Solana beach, pulled his suitcase behind him, and glanced at me from behind his round black sunglasses as he passed me. He then instantly sat down, leaned the seat back and put his feet up to relax until he started chatting with the woman across the aisle to him. He also has awesome wavy ginger hair that flows past his shoulders.
The woman and he son also have a mysterious wooden box sitting up in the luggage rack. Its unfinished and locked. I really want to know what’s inside.
Stop at Oceanside. We’ve now got a younger woman, wearing a gauzy black top that walked up to the front of the car, but I can still see her in the reflection of the ceiling.
There’s an older man across from me now, he has on a red short sleeve shirt with an olive toned longer one underneath. He has glasses on and pulled out a book with a reddish brown cover on it.
The conductor is rather rotund man who I saw before I got on the train taking a last smoking break before the long train ride up to LA. I like his hat.
The guy with flowing ginger hair has decided it would be more comfortable to curl up across the two seats in front of me. Although I doubt he’s going to get much shuteye with all the noise going on around him.
Dang. I think I left my hanky back at home. I’ve been using it to cough into. I think I have a few extras though.
I’m taking pictures outside the window, one side is beaches, and the other is fields and mountains. Welcome to Southern California. I’m tempted to get secret pictures of out cast of characters.
I’m missing my 3D design critique right now. I have my project all done though. It was going to be last Thursday, so I was a-ok. But nope, Loren, my prof decided to push it back until Tuesday. So now people in my class are texting me and are like “where are you?” Hahaha.
I actually should be studying for my art history midterm I have tomorrow morning. OH! Crap. I have a speech on blogging too. I was going to pull some info off the Internet while I could back at home, so I could write it on the train. Dang. That’s all right. It’ll be easy to write tomorrow.
I like those little yellow flowers that grow this time of year. I don’t know if they’re flowers of just really pretty weeds. They look buttercup-ish, and when you pick them they close up after a couple of hours.
YES! I got a picture of the people in front of me. Hahaha. They were all standing up and I got a quick shot of them all.
San Clemente! I took some pics of the buildings on my side. I’m on the inland side of the train, so to snap a shot of the ocean I have to zoom in and take I past the people accross the aisle form me. Like the pretty pier.
San Juan Capistrano has a beautiful train station. I wouldn’t mind stopping there some day for a bit.
Orange groves! With beautiful yellow wild flowers. Too bad I didn’t get a good picture
though. Bum.
So the Woman and her son packed up and headed down to get off, and the guy with the mantle of ginger hair went with them. They seemed to talk as if they knew each other from before, but maybe that’s just both their personality types.
I’m not sure what the next stop is, but we haven’t even stopped at Anaheim yet, so Fullerton isn’t for a while.
Ahhh, that freaked me out. They called for Irvine and my heart jumped. It sounds familiar because Taran used to live here, so he’d come home and back on the train. I guess because it’s also a college town I feel like I should be going there. Funniest thing about the Irvine stop. It’s sorta’ populated on the ocean side, but the other side is just blank field, huge ginormous store houses that you imagine housed blimps at one time, and mountains in the distance.
The group of friendly three in front a bit are talking about teaching to inner-city kids now. The substitute teacher wants to teach their, and the mom is telling him about her experience about her teaching third grade in the inner city, and cursing while she does it too. I guess she thinks it’s okay now that her little girl is down for her nap.
Santa Ana. Substitute teacher leaves. Couple says goodbye. Older man in a red shirt comes in and sits down right in front of me. A woman in business attire walks past me and I smell white tic-tacs.
WHOA. The dude in front of me is freakin’ LOUD!!!!! He go ton his cell phone and nearly gave me a heart attack. Sheesh. Some people need to learn volume control.
Oooo! We passed an archery field! I wanna learn archery! I’m going to try to take it for P.E soon. But it’s hard to get in unless you’re an upper classman.
We just passed Orange station. It’s a quaint little town.
Anaheim! I think I’m next……. I dunno. The stop is right next to Angel’s stadium. Whoa, twins are getting on! Looks like they went to Disneyland for their birthday. Amish people!!!!!! Again! Older man sits where mother and Son used to be. Twins where the sub teacher originated (although he moved all over the place). Younger woman sits two seats in front of me, I can’t see her anymore.
Fullerton next! It’s been fun writing everything I see, now I need to copy and paste this onto blogspot and add pictures. I’m closing my laptop now.
Have a super duper day filled with discoveries!
My friend Dina got married yesterday! YAY! It was awesome. I really want to write about all the people on the train, so I’ll leave out wedding details fro now. I’m too ADD to focus on writing about the wedding when so much is going on right now!
So. The ride down here was pretty much empty, not many people travel on Sunday morning. But Tuesday afternoon is a completely different story!
Just a bit ago, some Amish people walked by! I dunno if they were Amish, but the dude had a funny coat, and the chick had a cute little bonnet on.
Sitting one seat in front of me across the aisle is a mother and a son. The mother is the one I can see the best. She has on a floral shirt that I’m pretty sure I’ve seen in my grandma’s closet, and a giant monster mouth clip holds up the top half of her hair. Except she isn't wearing it in the normal on the side of the back of her head. It's literally right on top, like when I used to clip it to the top of my head and pretend it was a crown when I was little. Her glasses are black frames with little polka dots along the side, and she’s wearing thick gold hoop earrings. She keeps going through the bag in front of her and pulling things out such as gum and the subscription slips you get in your magazines. Right now it seems she’s settled on a word search book, she doesn’t have a pen. Her son is all emo. Whenever I see him, it’s the back of his head and he has his oversized brown hoodie pulled up over it.
The guy in front of them has been talking to an older couple that has a young two-year-old child. He’s a high school substitute teacher, and his roommate in college served in Iraq for a while. The husband in the couple is a full time marine, and very vocal about his opinions. He even shared his pet name for Iraq to the entire train car. The woman keeps saying things like “honey don’t say that” and “did you take her wipes out?” The little girl wines about little girl things occasionally and yells the word “tree” whenever she sees one out the window. Which is a lot.
There’s a guy two seats behind me who keeps talking on his phone to a guy he likes to call homes and dude. He’s talking about some sort of get together that sounds like a musical thing, and keeps saying “fo sho”
Now there’s another guy sitting in the row in front of me. He’s taken up talking to the older woman sitting with her son. I’m not sure what they’re talking about, but it seems to be about the economy and war. Oh joy. He came in at Solana beach, pulled his suitcase behind him, and glanced at me from behind his round black sunglasses as he passed me. He then instantly sat down, leaned the seat back and put his feet up to relax until he started chatting with the woman across the aisle to him. He also has awesome wavy ginger hair that flows past his shoulders.
The woman and he son also have a mysterious wooden box sitting up in the luggage rack. Its unfinished and locked. I really want to know what’s inside.
Stop at Oceanside. We’ve now got a younger woman, wearing a gauzy black top that walked up to the front of the car, but I can still see her in the reflection of the ceiling.
There’s an older man across from me now, he has on a red short sleeve shirt with an olive toned longer one underneath. He has glasses on and pulled out a book with a reddish brown cover on it.
The conductor is rather rotund man who I saw before I got on the train taking a last smoking break before the long train ride up to LA. I like his hat.
The guy with flowing ginger hair has decided it would be more comfortable to curl up across the two seats in front of me. Although I doubt he’s going to get much shuteye with all the noise going on around him.
Dang. I think I left my hanky back at home. I’ve been using it to cough into. I think I have a few extras though.
I’m taking pictures outside the window, one side is beaches, and the other is fields and mountains. Welcome to Southern California. I’m tempted to get secret pictures of out cast of characters.
I’m missing my 3D design critique right now. I have my project all done though. It was going to be last Thursday, so I was a-ok. But nope, Loren, my prof decided to push it back until Tuesday. So now people in my class are texting me and are like “where are you?” Hahaha.
I actually should be studying for my art history midterm I have tomorrow morning. OH! Crap. I have a speech on blogging too. I was going to pull some info off the Internet while I could back at home, so I could write it on the train. Dang. That’s all right. It’ll be easy to write tomorrow.
I like those little yellow flowers that grow this time of year. I don’t know if they’re flowers of just really pretty weeds. They look buttercup-ish, and when you pick them they close up after a couple of hours.
YES! I got a picture of the people in front of me. Hahaha. They were all standing up and I got a quick shot of them all.
San Clemente! I took some pics of the buildings on my side. I’m on the inland side of the train, so to snap a shot of the ocean I have to zoom in and take I past the people accross the aisle form me. Like the pretty pier.
San Juan Capistrano has a beautiful train station. I wouldn’t mind stopping there some day for a bit.
Orange groves! With beautiful yellow wild flowers. Too bad I didn’t get a good picture
though. Bum.
So the Woman and her son packed up and headed down to get off, and the guy with the mantle of ginger hair went with them. They seemed to talk as if they knew each other from before, but maybe that’s just both their personality types.
I’m not sure what the next stop is, but we haven’t even stopped at Anaheim yet, so Fullerton isn’t for a while.
Ahhh, that freaked me out. They called for Irvine and my heart jumped. It sounds familiar because Taran used to live here, so he’d come home and back on the train. I guess because it’s also a college town I feel like I should be going there. Funniest thing about the Irvine stop. It’s sorta’ populated on the ocean side, but the other side is just blank field, huge ginormous store houses that you imagine housed blimps at one time, and mountains in the distance.
The group of friendly three in front a bit are talking about teaching to inner-city kids now. The substitute teacher wants to teach their, and the mom is telling him about her experience about her teaching third grade in the inner city, and cursing while she does it too. I guess she thinks it’s okay now that her little girl is down for her nap.
Santa Ana. Substitute teacher leaves. Couple says goodbye. Older man in a red shirt comes in and sits down right in front of me. A woman in business attire walks past me and I smell white tic-tacs.
WHOA. The dude in front of me is freakin’ LOUD!!!!! He go ton his cell phone and nearly gave me a heart attack. Sheesh. Some people need to learn volume control.
Oooo! We passed an archery field! I wanna learn archery! I’m going to try to take it for P.E soon. But it’s hard to get in unless you’re an upper classman.
We just passed Orange station. It’s a quaint little town.
Anaheim! I think I’m next……. I dunno. The stop is right next to Angel’s stadium. Whoa, twins are getting on! Looks like they went to Disneyland for their birthday. Amish people!!!!!! Again! Older man sits where mother and Son used to be. Twins where the sub teacher originated (although he moved all over the place). Younger woman sits two seats in front of me, I can’t see her anymore.
Fullerton next! It’s been fun writing everything I see, now I need to copy and paste this onto blogspot and add pictures. I’m closing my laptop now.
Have a super duper day filled with discoveries!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
It's a perfect day...
Nothing's standing in my way. On this perfect day, when nothing can go wrong
Today was beautiful!

Except for the part where I woke up and got out of bed at 10, got dressed and was ready to go out the door to church at 10:25, only to open my phone and see a message from Kenny saying she was feeling too sick to go to church.
But then I got to sleep in a few more hours!
I knew it was going to be a sunny day today so I wore the closest thing I have to a sun dress (a light black cotton dress), and warned my flatmates that they should have sunglasses on if they're going to look at my legs.
After a sad attempt at filming the intro for the First East vlog ( i forgot to put the memory card back in my camera), and Jojo trying to get change (which Starbucks wont do apparently, but now she has some tortilla chips from Stater bros). Kenny and I decided we'd join everyone and their mother out on the Alpha lawn to study, while Jojo set off to some meeting she had with a bunch of people who obsess over grammar.

I know it sounds a little crazy for me to be outside, basking in the sun's rays, but never fear. I had sun block SPF 85 to protect me (although I still think I got a sweet little kiss by the sun, bummer).
And Ginger cat came to study with us!

Biola has random wild cats living on campus, and most of them are quite friendly. Friendliest of all has to be Ginger cat (that's just what I call him) who is most frequently seen outside of the Alpha dorm.
Kenny and I tried to study for the most part. I took a little break while she read Hamlet aloud for a bit (I loved relaxing in the sun listening to Shakespeare), but it was actually not very good studying weather because we just wanted to relax and rest our souls.
We had an interesting conversation though about missions trips, and what we think might happen to us in our lives. We both decided that we'd love to live in London for a bit, get a job, experience another culture by living in it, not just by sight-seeing.
Jojo had talked about all of us getting an apartment after college, and we'd be doing that, just in another country. But we're not sure of all the boring legal stuff, like visas and such... so we'll see. We've got some time to research the matter.
I've been working hard at getting myself organized this semester. A big part of it is keeping my room clean and tidy. I'm actually doing a good job at it. It gets a bit hectic when I have a small art project to do and random things like straw wrappers and faux flower petals are covering the floor, but I clean up right after (or the day after). I never noticed until I started keeping my side of the room clean, that my roommate is a pretty untidy person. I clean up and vacuum and admire my handy work (and my awesome decor), and then I sit on my bed, face the other side of the room and see the almost empty walls and the pile that my roommate has on her floor/desk.
I'm excited for next year when Kenny, Jojo, and I have a room together. I'm getting tired of a room split perfectly in half. Hopefully our decoration plans will work and we can have one common space of a room, as well as have our own wee spots of individuality.
Hopefully we'll have some time this week to go to the park and do more studying outside :D

My name is Brenna, and if I were stuck on a desert island I'd bring 21 Oranges.
Today was beautiful!
Except for the part where I woke up and got out of bed at 10, got dressed and was ready to go out the door to church at 10:25, only to open my phone and see a message from Kenny saying she was feeling too sick to go to church.
But then I got to sleep in a few more hours!
I knew it was going to be a sunny day today so I wore the closest thing I have to a sun dress (a light black cotton dress), and warned my flatmates that they should have sunglasses on if they're going to look at my legs.
After a sad attempt at filming the intro for the First East vlog ( i forgot to put the memory card back in my camera), and Jojo trying to get change (which Starbucks wont do apparently, but now she has some tortilla chips from Stater bros). Kenny and I decided we'd join everyone and their mother out on the Alpha lawn to study, while Jojo set off to some meeting she had with a bunch of people who obsess over grammar.
I know it sounds a little crazy for me to be outside, basking in the sun's rays, but never fear. I had sun block SPF 85 to protect me (although I still think I got a sweet little kiss by the sun, bummer).
And Ginger cat came to study with us!
Biola has random wild cats living on campus, and most of them are quite friendly. Friendliest of all has to be Ginger cat (that's just what I call him) who is most frequently seen outside of the Alpha dorm.
Kenny and I tried to study for the most part. I took a little break while she read Hamlet aloud for a bit (I loved relaxing in the sun listening to Shakespeare), but it was actually not very good studying weather because we just wanted to relax and rest our souls.
We had an interesting conversation though about missions trips, and what we think might happen to us in our lives. We both decided that we'd love to live in London for a bit, get a job, experience another culture by living in it, not just by sight-seeing.
Jojo had talked about all of us getting an apartment after college, and we'd be doing that, just in another country. But we're not sure of all the boring legal stuff, like visas and such... so we'll see. We've got some time to research the matter.
I've been working hard at getting myself organized this semester. A big part of it is keeping my room clean and tidy. I'm actually doing a good job at it. It gets a bit hectic when I have a small art project to do and random things like straw wrappers and faux flower petals are covering the floor, but I clean up right after (or the day after). I never noticed until I started keeping my side of the room clean, that my roommate is a pretty untidy person. I clean up and vacuum and admire my handy work (and my awesome decor), and then I sit on my bed, face the other side of the room and see the almost empty walls and the pile that my roommate has on her floor/desk.
I'm excited for next year when Kenny, Jojo, and I have a room together. I'm getting tired of a room split perfectly in half. Hopefully our decoration plans will work and we can have one common space of a room, as well as have our own wee spots of individuality.
Hopefully we'll have some time this week to go to the park and do more studying outside :D
My name is Brenna, and if I were stuck on a desert island I'd bring 21 Oranges.
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