Today was beautiful!
Except for the part where I woke up and got out of bed at 10, got dressed and was ready to go out the door to church at 10:25, only to open my phone and see a message from Kenny saying she was feeling too sick to go to church.
But then I got to sleep in a few more hours!
I knew it was going to be a sunny day today so I wore the closest thing I have to a sun dress (a light black cotton dress), and warned my flatmates that they should have sunglasses on if they're going to look at my legs.
After a sad attempt at filming the intro for the First East vlog ( i forgot to put the memory card back in my camera), and Jojo trying to get change (which Starbucks wont do apparently, but now she has some tortilla chips from Stater bros). Kenny and I decided we'd join everyone and their mother out on the Alpha lawn to study, while Jojo set off to some meeting she had with a bunch of people who obsess over grammar.
I know it sounds a little crazy for me to be outside, basking in the sun's rays, but never fear. I had sun block SPF 85 to protect me (although I still think I got a sweet little kiss by the sun, bummer).
And Ginger cat came to study with us!
Biola has random wild cats living on campus, and most of them are quite friendly. Friendliest of all has to be Ginger cat (that's just what I call him) who is most frequently seen outside of the Alpha dorm.
Kenny and I tried to study for the most part. I took a little break while she read Hamlet aloud for a bit (I loved relaxing in the sun listening to Shakespeare), but it was actually not very good studying weather because we just wanted to relax and rest our souls.
We had an interesting conversation though about missions trips, and what we think might happen to us in our lives. We both decided that we'd love to live in London for a bit, get a job, experience another culture by living in it, not just by sight-seeing.
Jojo had talked about all of us getting an apartment after college, and we'd be doing that, just in another country. But we're not sure of all the boring legal stuff, like visas and such... so we'll see. We've got some time to research the matter.
I've been working hard at getting myself organized this semester. A big part of it is keeping my room clean and tidy. I'm actually doing a good job at it. It gets a bit hectic when I have a small art project to do and random things like straw wrappers and faux flower petals are covering the floor, but I clean up right after (or the day after). I never noticed until I started keeping my side of the room clean, that my roommate is a pretty untidy person. I clean up and vacuum and admire my handy work (and my awesome decor), and then I sit on my bed, face the other side of the room and see the almost empty walls and the pile that my roommate has on her floor/desk.
I'm excited for next year when Kenny, Jojo, and I have a room together. I'm getting tired of a room split perfectly in half. Hopefully our decoration plans will work and we can have one common space of a room, as well as have our own wee spots of individuality.
Hopefully we'll have some time this week to go to the park and do more studying outside :D
My name is Brenna, and if I were stuck on a desert island I'd bring 21 Oranges.
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