Apparently my goal to build upper body strength is a good one. I'll be not only closing the very heavy trap doors, but also running from the pit to the cat walks to man a follow spot. The I'll have to run back down the the pit to work the trap door again. And prolly do the whole thing over again. Or so my dad says. I don't start work until Thursday. And after that I'm working every night of the week but Mondays, with two shows on Saturday. W-O-W!!!
I'm glad I'll be so busy. No time to miss people, no time to be bored. And I'll be making good money that I'll need for text books and art supplies.
I went over worship music tonight with my brother, Taran. He asked me to sing with him in church tomorrow morning. I don't know why I said yes. I'm hating myself right now. I get horribly stage fright and nervous. Funny because I've been in plays since I was in 5th grade. I hope and pray I wont forget the harmony, and that when I have to sing high it wont sound like nails on a chalk board.
I'm going to bed before 1 tonight!... or so I think I am. I haven't done that in ages! I'm usually up until 2 something. Taran promised me doughnuts (DOUUUGHNUTS!!)tomorrow because I was freaking out about singing in church. So I get an apple fritter!! Huzzah! my favorite!
Well, if I am going to bed before 1, I'd better get off my computer.
Sweet Dreams!
-Brenna :]
...well, maybe not seven. let's see: art major, friend, sister, daughter,makeup artist, stylist, designer,singer, librarian, writer, princess, actress, roommate, neighbor... okay, maybe more than seven
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
I'm back in San Diego. I arrived about 1 1/2 hour ago.
I have a job! I'm going to be the Assistant Stage Manager for the theater my dad works at. Lamb's Players Theater.
I'm extremely grateful for this job too. I very much prefer it to working at a department store or a food place.
I'm going to busy myself with goals this summer. I've grown a lot at Biola, and I don't want to lose it all. So, here's what I'm going to do.
1) work - I really want to do well, because then hopefully they'll want me back sometime. And these are the people I grew up with. I don't want to let them down. I'm very nervous about it, but I know that I can learn fast, and have trust in God to give me confidence to get the job done.
2) Learn the Ukelele. At least a bit of it. I kinda' feel inadiquate in my family because I dont play an instrument, and my voice isn't the best. The Peirsons are very musical. And music has been a HUGE part of my life. I dont go a day without singing, and their is no way my future husband will be tone deaf no matter what kind on ironic happenings my roommates predict for me. So. Ukelele.
3) work out. the hardest one of all. because I'm a lazy bum. Hopefully my brother can keep me active a bit..... and not manage to keep me so insanely active that I turn my back towards all activity. I really want to get some upper body strength. I'm a super wimp and don't even hurt people when I punch them full strength. It's sad. I'm so adorable, and it sickens me I can't beat someone up. I need to balance out the adorableness with an underlying weapon of war!
4) keep up with everyone I miss terribly. I would die if I had no Biola contact. Thank the Lord Amber lives in San Diego. As a fellow art major and Doctor Who fan, she's going to keep me sane this summer. And I want to hear from everyone else. I'm afraid I'll turn stalker on everyone. Jojo is going to be a camp counselor so I wont hear form her for over a month, Max will be gone at camp too. And Kenny doesn't have wifi in her house so we can't vid chat. I'm pretty sure I'll be going up to Santa Rosa to visit kenny for her b-day at the beginning of August though. So that's good news.
I'm already terrified of summer. I feel horrible because right now I'm not excited to see everyone I left. I feel like I'm being sucked back into high school and I hate it. I learned so much these past 9 months. And I'm a completely different person now. I love the person I am now. But now that I'm back I feel like I'm losing that person, like all the people around me made up who I was and now that all that is gone I'm no longer me. It's weird. Home is where the heart is, and I love my family so much and I'm so very happy to be back with them. But my heart is also with all the people at Biola. And that is spread across the country. Even across the world, when Mar gos back home to Turkey tomorrow. The people from high school want to hang out with me again. But I don't think they do. They want to hang out with a year ago me. That's not me anymore. It's amazing what 9 months can do to a person.
I moved into my dorm in Alpha exactly 9 months ago. And today I moved out of it. It's funny because I kinda' have the same feeling, but backwards. I left everything I knew, and went to a place that was different. My home isn't different, but everything is different to me now, because I'm different. I have new shades on, so I see the world in a whole new way.
I dont want to stop growing. That's why I made goals. I dont want summer time to be a push of the pause button until it play is hit again on August 22. I want it to keep playing. But it's just put in a different Television.
I'm going to be alright. This summer is going to rock. And next semester will rock. My life rocks :]
you rule,
I have a job! I'm going to be the Assistant Stage Manager for the theater my dad works at. Lamb's Players Theater.
I'm extremely grateful for this job too. I very much prefer it to working at a department store or a food place.
I'm going to busy myself with goals this summer. I've grown a lot at Biola, and I don't want to lose it all. So, here's what I'm going to do.
1) work - I really want to do well, because then hopefully they'll want me back sometime. And these are the people I grew up with. I don't want to let them down. I'm very nervous about it, but I know that I can learn fast, and have trust in God to give me confidence to get the job done.
2) Learn the Ukelele. At least a bit of it. I kinda' feel inadiquate in my family because I dont play an instrument, and my voice isn't the best. The Peirsons are very musical. And music has been a HUGE part of my life. I dont go a day without singing, and their is no way my future husband will be tone deaf no matter what kind on ironic happenings my roommates predict for me. So. Ukelele.
3) work out. the hardest one of all. because I'm a lazy bum. Hopefully my brother can keep me active a bit..... and not manage to keep me so insanely active that I turn my back towards all activity. I really want to get some upper body strength. I'm a super wimp and don't even hurt people when I punch them full strength. It's sad. I'm so adorable, and it sickens me I can't beat someone up. I need to balance out the adorableness with an underlying weapon of war!
4) keep up with everyone I miss terribly. I would die if I had no Biola contact. Thank the Lord Amber lives in San Diego. As a fellow art major and Doctor Who fan, she's going to keep me sane this summer. And I want to hear from everyone else. I'm afraid I'll turn stalker on everyone. Jojo is going to be a camp counselor so I wont hear form her for over a month, Max will be gone at camp too. And Kenny doesn't have wifi in her house so we can't vid chat. I'm pretty sure I'll be going up to Santa Rosa to visit kenny for her b-day at the beginning of August though. So that's good news.
I'm already terrified of summer. I feel horrible because right now I'm not excited to see everyone I left. I feel like I'm being sucked back into high school and I hate it. I learned so much these past 9 months. And I'm a completely different person now. I love the person I am now. But now that I'm back I feel like I'm losing that person, like all the people around me made up who I was and now that all that is gone I'm no longer me. It's weird. Home is where the heart is, and I love my family so much and I'm so very happy to be back with them. But my heart is also with all the people at Biola. And that is spread across the country. Even across the world, when Mar gos back home to Turkey tomorrow. The people from high school want to hang out with me again. But I don't think they do. They want to hang out with a year ago me. That's not me anymore. It's amazing what 9 months can do to a person.
I moved into my dorm in Alpha exactly 9 months ago. And today I moved out of it. It's funny because I kinda' have the same feeling, but backwards. I left everything I knew, and went to a place that was different. My home isn't different, but everything is different to me now, because I'm different. I have new shades on, so I see the world in a whole new way.
I dont want to stop growing. That's why I made goals. I dont want summer time to be a push of the pause button until it play is hit again on August 22. I want it to keep playing. But it's just put in a different Television.
I'm going to be alright. This summer is going to rock. And next semester will rock. My life rocks :]
you rule,
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
2:30 am
I just stumbled upon this video. I think it's awesome. I've heard the song somewhere before too, I just can't remember where or when.
White Winter Hymnal from Grandchildren on Vimeo.
Friday, May 15, 2009
the woes of a pale poor student
So I've gotten quite a bit of work done today. I spent the entire day working on my headdress. It's not done yet though, it's one of those things you have to keep adding things to as you walk past it every 10 min for a couple days.
Whilst procrastinating on studying for my Art History final, I found my self yet again on ModCloth. It's a very lovely shop online that has most of the things I love in life rolled up in cute dresses and sweet accessories.
I go on it almost every day, just to sit and stare at this beauty

Isn't it amazing!? I had a chance to win it. If you named it you got it. I was thinking of a name like Picnics and Proposals, because it made me think of all those Jane Austen books I wish I could jump into like a scene from Mary Poppins.
Alas, I missed the day. So now I sit and drool onto my keys as I stare lovingly at the "Vanilla Skies" parasol.
I know you're probably wondering why I care so much about a silly little parasol. Well, it's because I'm kinda' pale. And it would be a very practical item for me to own. I've even researched others in the past, but this one is everything I've been looking for. I squealed like a fan girl when I saw it. It's Mr. Right in parasol form.
I've been working on securing a summer job, although I doubt even then I'll be able to spare the $50 to finally own this amazing piece of art. I'll be using it on painting supplies for class and text books.
It's like I always say with a sigh to my flatmate when I look at it. I need to marry a rich man.
....uhm..... I already know I'm not going to marry a rich man. lol. bum.
Whilst procrastinating on studying for my Art History final, I found my self yet again on ModCloth. It's a very lovely shop online that has most of the things I love in life rolled up in cute dresses and sweet accessories.
I go on it almost every day, just to sit and stare at this beauty

Isn't it amazing!? I had a chance to win it. If you named it you got it. I was thinking of a name like Picnics and Proposals, because it made me think of all those Jane Austen books I wish I could jump into like a scene from Mary Poppins.
Alas, I missed the day. So now I sit and drool onto my keys as I stare lovingly at the "Vanilla Skies" parasol.
I know you're probably wondering why I care so much about a silly little parasol. Well, it's because I'm kinda' pale. And it would be a very practical item for me to own. I've even researched others in the past, but this one is everything I've been looking for. I squealed like a fan girl when I saw it. It's Mr. Right in parasol form.
I've been working on securing a summer job, although I doubt even then I'll be able to spare the $50 to finally own this amazing piece of art. I'll be using it on painting supplies for class and text books.
It's like I always say with a sigh to my flatmate when I look at it. I need to marry a rich man.
....uhm..... I already know I'm not going to marry a rich man. lol. bum.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Excuses, excuses...
Okay.. so , no. I haven't made my Rescue video yet. but was it epic? YES!!!!!!!
I'll write more on it when I actually edit the footage I took.
The reason why I haven't done it yet. Well, for the first time in a while I have a huge-mungus butt load of stuff to do.
here's the list
1) Pop-up book for Art History
pages include: The Venus of Willendorf, The Parthenon, (maybe) the Sphinx, and (hopefully) a Viking ship.
ALL in pop-up form. it's going to be epic.
2) I have to actually study for the Art History Final. So, I'm going to be brushing up on my Greek art from High classical all the way to Helenistic. Then comes the Romans, then comes Islamic art, followed by illuminated manuscripts and gothic cathedrals.
3)portrait of my friend in red conte for my fig studs class. I hate conte, but I haven't tried red before and I really want to. We're supposed to spend about 9 hours min on it. I'll probably draw her working, since she has a lot to do too. But I was going to make her Hermonie-esque anyways so her working is perfect!
4)group presentation in Foundations of Christian thought class. My group "started" a Christian clothing company named Zakiah. I was in charge of designs, although I'm not a designer.... and I JUST realized while typing this that I have to scan and send those designs to our computer person. hmm... thanks blog, lets see if I remember in the morning...
5)Angel Headdress for 3D. We're supposed to make headgear for an angel. I chose the Angel of Writing. So it's AWESOME! :D I based the top half on this picture

And the back is a super long pieces of paper trailing behind me. With things liek bundles of pencils, paper clips, and "quills" hanging off the back. It really is cool. I'll have to post pics.
That's it. It doesn't sound like much. but the time i have to put into these things is insane!
People always say that art majors have it easy and "oh, i wish I could paint for homework". But it's hard. you have to put large amounts of time into projects. And you're constantly being criticized because your profs want you to create something amazing, and they push you to do better. and at the end of they year it all comes piling up on you and you begin to drown in the vast sea of art supplies. *DEEP BREATH*
sorry for that. Whew, it feels good to get that out.
Since I have lots of supplies I have to work on the floor in order to spread things out, so I've spent the past couple of days hunched over. My back sounds like extra buttery popcorn when I twist.
I've been joking that I'll have to be locked away in a bell tower like Quasimoto.
But my first year of college is almost over! I go home next Saturday with all my crap smooshed into my parent's van.
But that's not until after I go to Disneyland on Wed, when I'm done with all my finals.
Apparently there is a Churro man who gives you a free churro if you wink twice, spin around, and ask for a churro. But I think it might be an urban myth.
I might even be able to update next week! woot.
but until then, remember, roommates don't like it when you use a hairdryer to dry paper when they're sleeping.
..and be careful with hot glue guns!
I'll write more on it when I actually edit the footage I took.
The reason why I haven't done it yet. Well, for the first time in a while I have a huge-mungus butt load of stuff to do.
here's the list
1) Pop-up book for Art History
pages include: The Venus of Willendorf, The Parthenon, (maybe) the Sphinx, and (hopefully) a Viking ship.
ALL in pop-up form. it's going to be epic.
2) I have to actually study for the Art History Final. So, I'm going to be brushing up on my Greek art from High classical all the way to Helenistic. Then comes the Romans, then comes Islamic art, followed by illuminated manuscripts and gothic cathedrals.
3)portrait of my friend in red conte for my fig studs class. I hate conte, but I haven't tried red before and I really want to. We're supposed to spend about 9 hours min on it. I'll probably draw her working, since she has a lot to do too. But I was going to make her Hermonie-esque anyways so her working is perfect!
4)group presentation in Foundations of Christian thought class. My group "started" a Christian clothing company named Zakiah. I was in charge of designs, although I'm not a designer.... and I JUST realized while typing this that I have to scan and send those designs to our computer person. hmm... thanks blog, lets see if I remember in the morning...
5)Angel Headdress for 3D. We're supposed to make headgear for an angel. I chose the Angel of Writing. So it's AWESOME! :D I based the top half on this picture

And the back is a super long pieces of paper trailing behind me. With things liek bundles of pencils, paper clips, and "quills" hanging off the back. It really is cool. I'll have to post pics.
That's it. It doesn't sound like much. but the time i have to put into these things is insane!
People always say that art majors have it easy and "oh, i wish I could paint for homework". But it's hard. you have to put large amounts of time into projects. And you're constantly being criticized because your profs want you to create something amazing, and they push you to do better. and at the end of they year it all comes piling up on you and you begin to drown in the vast sea of art supplies. *DEEP BREATH*
sorry for that. Whew, it feels good to get that out.
Since I have lots of supplies I have to work on the floor in order to spread things out, so I've spent the past couple of days hunched over. My back sounds like extra buttery popcorn when I twist.
I've been joking that I'll have to be locked away in a bell tower like Quasimoto.
But my first year of college is almost over! I go home next Saturday with all my crap smooshed into my parent's van.
But that's not until after I go to Disneyland on Wed, when I'm done with all my finals.
Apparently there is a Churro man who gives you a free churro if you wink twice, spin around, and ask for a churro. But I think it might be an urban myth.
I might even be able to update next week! woot.
but until then, remember, roommates don't like it when you use a hairdryer to dry paper when they're sleeping.
..and be careful with hot glue guns!
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