I had lots and lots of fun.
We went to this awesome place called Powell's Sweet Shoppe. And oh man!!! they had every kind of candy you ever want! Even the hard to find ones like Jelly Babies, Wine Gums, and Violet Mints! It was truely a magical place.
There was also a kind of soda called Green River that tastes like the color green! It was weird.
And I met all of Kenny's high school friends, which was fun and interesting. Considering I've heard very entertaining stories about pretty much all of them. The best part was that I don tknow if they all knew that I knew everything. Muahaha!
It was fun though, they were all really cool and lovely people. Some of them greeted me like they already knew me, because Kenns had told them about me.
And I got ride a horse! the most lovely Arabian named Cody. I've never ridden on e before, and I think I did pretty well. It wasn't scary at all. In fact I felt pretty comfortable on a horse.... that is until I got off of it.
It was 3 days ago and I'm still saddle sore!
We also went to see Harry Potter 6 for the second time for both of us! But we wanted to see it together, and we found Chocolate Frogs and Blood Pops and Powell's Sweets #2 up in Healdsburg. (fyi.... Kenns.... there's a Powell's in Long Beach!)
Anyways, they had these awesome signs in the Cinema's bathroom!
And now that I'm back I only have 2 weeks until I move back to Biola!! I thought the day would never come, and now it seems to be running at me full speed! I'll be glad to be back. And Certainly glad to have two amazing roommates. But all that work. Meh.
So I have to clean my room and pack..... I haven't started yet. I probably will next week, much to the annoyance of my parents.
I'm 2 vids into my vlog!
Hopefully I'll be starting a collaboration channel with my older bro and my cousin. So that will be fun.
That's really it for now.
Sorry it's taken me so long to update. I'll write again before I leave for school, probably amidst the chaos :]
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