I have been so busy with school work lately!
I've been neglecting this blog as well as my vlogging channel.
So here I am, trying to redeem myself with a nice update.
First D23 EXPO!!!!!!!!! it was a couple weekends ago, and it was amazing!!!!!!! I saw so much awesome stuff, and panels for Imagineering and a panel for The Princess and The Frog, which is going to be AMAZING! I cannot wait for that movie to come out. I'm soooo excited and proud of Disney for bringing back hand-drawn animation.
Anyways, here are some pics I took!
They had a cut-out of Buzz and Woody. Originally, only Buzz was the cut-out but someone knocked it over and Woody's head came off. Taran and I though this was much better because now both of us could do it!

They had a really cool exhibit of a bunch of Mickeys that guest artists had drawn, so Taran and I drew some too!!! The bottom and top left ones are Taran's the bottom right one is mine, and the green was done by some pro who came before us.

...AND there were Storm Troopers there!!!!! This totally made up for me not being able to go to Comic Con!

It was pretty much the coolest day ever. So much Disney! I can't wait for next year, I'm going to work so I can go for all the days.
Other than that, classes are going well. Ceramics is insane. I'm trowing clay on the wheel now, which is hard but fun when you get the hang of it. All the other classes are going well as well. I'm in my digital tools class with my friend Katie, and we have a good time eating our snacks, giggling at MLIA submissions, and taking notes on how to play muggle quidditch.
The roommies are good as well. We go out on late night barefoot frisbee walks when we need a break. I'm getting pretty good at the whole catching and throwing a friz thing.
We go on crazy adventures. One of the most recent was a doughnut run at midnight. Jojo and I were studying, while Kenny was out running. And we both decided that we wanted pie. But alas, there is no 24 hour pie shop in the city of La Mirada. So we settled on craving doughnuts instead. When Kenny got home, we told her of our sweet tooth problem. She seemed hesitant at first, but she was only joking and totally up for midnight doughnuts!! So we grabbed our lightsabers and techno music and went to Rainbow Doughnuts, where the amazing Asian lady gave us extra doughnuts for free!!! I'm pretty sure she gave us a discount too, because we paid under $2 for 6 doughnuts and a mini croissant!!!
It was epic. And we are now completely faithful to Rainbow Doughnuts.
Well, we're having a tea party in the park today, and we have to meet the group in front of Emerson at 3, so I'd better be going to get ready now, but I will save this draft and come back with more stories to tell!!
Okay! I'm back! And the tea party was awesome! there was tea, Little Diggies (aka McVitte's digestive biscuts), and frisbee playing.
After an amazing afternoon spent in the park with friends, we all went to the cafe and had a corn dog dinner. Then we made a mini teepee out of the corn dog sticks, Kenny's hair, french fries, forks, and a napkin painted with mustard and ketchup.
Epic day.
Now I have to get to work, because no matter how epic, all days must come to an end.
I just hope the fire alarm doesn't go off again tonight. It has been for the past two days around 2 or 3 in the morning. Ughhh...... And the guys above us sound like they're raising baby elephants in their room. So noisy!!!!
Okay. Work. Bye!!!
-Brenna Kathleen
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