I used it on Monday(today is Wednesday) and it worked great!
On Sunday, we busted out Kenny's DDR mats and had a work out session. My legs are still super sore form it! But it was fun and good to get up and move about.
For my next 4D Design project we have to go out into nature and create an art piece like Andy Goldsworthy.....

Isn't his stuff awesome?!
He creates art from things he finds in the specific environment he's working in.
The pics with the color changes are actual color changes that happen naturally. He just takes them and puts them together so it seems almost artificial.
It reminds me of when I was young and my family used to go up to our cabin at Hume Lake. My older brother and I would amuse ourselves with building various forts and such out of what we found around. We dug out this pit and carved steps going down and seats into the walls of the pit, and then we wove branches and twigs together and made a dome roof for it. It was like a hobbit hole. So legit.
Because I've always been the type of person who creates something out of what I have lying around, I'm super pumped to go do this project! Just me, a pocket knife, and the wilderness! I'll be doing that on Saturday, so hopefully I'll update soon after that. I'm thinking of filming a bit up there too, I'm going to ask my roommate to use her camera, since mine has bad video quality. I may have to use mine though, I'm not sure if she'd be keen on letting me take it into woods or anything.
I haven't had a chance to update in a while, and it's bad because I never remember what I've done. I haven't updated the vlog since my 4D project, and that wasn't even a real update. Oops. Perhaps I'll go film a bit when I'm done writing here.
I learned The Beatles' song "All My Lovin'" this morning on Ulysses the Ukulele! I LOVE that song. I don't know why, I just do. So I'm pumped to know it now. I haven't really played in a while so my fingers are sore from not working on my callouses in a while.
Ceramics is hardcore. We have to make 8 mugs! 4 hand built out of red clay and 4 thrown on the wheel with white clay. I do this thing where somehow, I get an idea in my head of what I want to do as a design or with anything. And I do it, but it turns out that it's the most time consuming idea ever thought of. So yeah, I've been working on the 4 hand built mugs for a couple days, and I just finished one. Actually, I still haven't put the handle on it, so even the one isn't finished. Good thing is my teacher isn't super duper strict about a due date, so I think I have some time over the weekend to work. And I can change my design enough so that it (hopefully) wont take as long with the next three.
As for the wheel. It's hard! I can't even make a cylinder, which is what we have to make in order to move on to making the mugs. I can make a perfect bowl though!
Since I'm taking 18 units this semester, I have a bunch of projects and work to do that piles up. So I have to choose the ones I want to do really well in, which sucks because I want to do my best in everything, but some get put on the back burner because I don't view it as a priority.
Like my English and Old Testament classes. I, personally, value the art classes more. Because it's what I want to do with my life, that's why I'm spending thousands of dollars to study it. And the art projects I have to do are really time consuming. I can always work on it. It's not like a math problem where you solve it and it's done. It's like a paper or music. You can always tweak it somehow. Which is why my GE classes bother me so much. I'm taking English right now. And that class is all writing. I don't have time to go over and over my essay and revise it, because I have an art project I have to do that too.
So there you go, I'm not failing the other classes. I'm just not going above and beyond in them. I don't have time to.
It's a crazy life. And it just gets crazier as the years go by.
Speaking of years. I'll be 20 soon! On the 21st.
Isn't that wild? I don't feel like I'm 20. I feel like I'm 10. I remember when I turned 10, everyone made such a huge deal about me going into the double-digit years. Now I'm leaving the teens behind for good.
....it's about time, too.
more updates coming soon!!!
-Brenna Kathleen
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