The tree swing on campus= heaven
On Mondays and Wednesdays I have my crazy Art Major days. I wake up, have my God time, get ready and usually go out the door around 9:30 to skip on over to the Ceramics studio. I work in the studio until 12:20-ish, and then quickly clean up, stop by the art lockers for a supplies switch-off, and then go to Figure Studies 2 until 3:30.
I know what you're thinking.... but Brenna... 9:30-3:30. Do you starve?
And the answer is yes... yes I do. Save for the Lara bar and craisins I eat during break in Figure Studies.
That's besides the point. Today, my Ceramics prof, Loren (who is also the head of the Art Department) called the advanced students ( all three of us) to get in his car so we could drive down to Aardvark to get the glazes we need for the studio.
--Now hold on a minute and let me explain. The University I go to is a Christian College, so when I say that my prof told us to get in his car, it's not a weird thing. We call these people by their first name, they're more like uncles to us than profs--
So all four of us drive down towards Irvine, and Loren tells us that since we're going with him that we can pick out some new tools!! My friend, Katie, said that it was like a grandpa taking his grand-kids to a toy shop, to which Loren remarked something along the lines of laughing at how old we were calling him. It was silly.
But I did get new tools! two little little pretty carving tools and a new sponge. Amber and Katie got more, because they're throwers and I'm a hand builder, so I don't really use a lot of fancy tools.
We were late to our Figure Studies 2 class, and we might not be going at all on Wednesday because there's an exhibit on sculpture that all the ceramics classes are going to see.
Ahhh..... crazy days. I love them. I don't even know if all this made sense, but it was too wonderful of a day (later there was slack-lining and iced mochas) to not write about it.
I'm being rushed off to dinner, so I'll have to say farewell!!!
-Brenna Kathleen
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