
Sunday, April 11, 2010

How-To: Spring Break In San Diego With One of Your Roommates In 40 Easy Steps

1. Load up car and acquire Dr. Pepper
2. Sing along to all your favorite songs until you lose half of your voice (Disney tunes recommended)
3. Once you get home, be sure to visit with family and go to Walmart at midnight with brother, Taran, and friend, Ricky. - -While in the Walmart parking lot, turn up the music in the car and have a dance party in front of the store.
4. Sleep in.
5. Gather all your classic Disney movies and line them up in chronological order.
6. Watch
7. In the morning, make waffles (swapping of manly stories optional)
8. Cover pretzel rods in chocolate and pastel sprinkles
6. Buy the 1985 adaptation of Alice In Wonderland.
7. Watch (be sure to cover your eyes during the Carol Channing scenes if you need to)
8. Do the 5 loads of laundry you brought home with you (no need to pay!)
9. Go to one of the local youth theaters and see "13" to support your brother and Ricky who directed it. (actual direction by brother and Ricky optional, viewing of "13" optional... just go to the theater)
10. Dress up in your best vintage and go to church to celebrate Easter with your 9 family+friends (impromptu drive to airport to pick up other brother's friend, Lindsey, optional)
11. contemplate sudden 3 day road trip to San Francisco
12. experience a 7.2 earthquake, stop contemplating trip to San Francisco, instead plan a massive epic movie in which you die tragically young if you do indeed go on trip.
13. Continue watching line-up of  classic Disney movies
14. Hang out with Brother, Ricky, Lindsey, and roommate while preparing for brother's 24th birthday party.
15. Make your famous and extremely delicious grilled cheese for everyone (burning of your hand and arm optional)
16. Enjoy more company, eat homemade Carne Asada Fries, and play Encore (the most ridiculous yet fun game ever) in celebration of brother's birthday
17. Go to bed late, say goodnight and happy birthday to brother and wish him, Ricky, and Lindsey good luck on their road trip to San Francisco.
18. Wake up early, go to doctor's appointment.
19. Go to the County Building and get passport.
20. If you have time before your next Dr. appt. Go to the little British shop behind Shakespeare's Pub and acquire the largest box of tea you have ever seen in your life.
21. Get delicious gelatto at amazing shop next to Shakespeare's
22. Go to Doctor's appt. Have a minor Sweeney Todd moment, then get stitched up like a rag doll (if you really wish to know the details I'll gladly tell you, but it's quite gross)
23. Come home, make homemade California Burritos from carne asada left overs
24. Resume Disney watching
25. Wake up in the morning (feeling like P-Diddy optional) and prepare picnic. Go to Balboa Park
26. While at Balboa Park stand in awe in front of Rembrandt's sketches, and visit the flowers in the rose garden. (don't be discouraged if the flowers don't speak to you, the ground is probably so soft that they're asleep).
27. Babysit the coolest little 17 month old, Scotland, for the day. (actual little girl named after country optional)
28.  Finish Disney movie marathon
29. Start Lord of The Rings Marathon (discuss the many different ways in which you resemble a hobbit, do the same for roommate and her similarities with the elves)
30. Attend opening night of The Rivalry at Lamb's Players Theater. (Again, show and venue optional, just get your behind into a theater!)
31. Go to opening night after party and hang out with all the theater people you love and who pretty much helped raise you, introduce roommate to all of them (this is for the roommate's benefit, now they will have a better understanding of why you are the way you are)
32. Go get Thrifty's ice cream with Brother and Ricky. Come back home and watch Across the Universe for the first time (be sure not to finish it, because of the late hour)
33. Go out with Mom to Panera, eat the best Mac n' Cheese in the world.
34. Savor best Mac n' Cheese in the world.
35. Attend an awesome pop-up booklet making class-thing and keep the fact that you're an art major a secret as you craft with all the other older women.
36. Return home and write out your Germany Mission's trip support letters as you keep your roommate company, who is making delicious lemon chicken. (this step is completely optional, as a missions trip to Germany may not be in the works for you, but lemon-chicken cooking roommate is highly recommended).
37. Finish doing the laundry (last chance for it to be free!)
38. Wake up all groggy-like and get hair cut before church, after church enjoy some yummy fish tacos
39. Pack up all your stuff, load up the car, and acquire Dr. Pepper
40. Drive back up to school, singing along to all your favorite songs, once again losing half your voice in the process.

-Brenna Kathleen

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