
Friday, July 2, 2010

Bowties Are Cool

I have to admit. I did not like the 11th Doctor at first. Granted this was before series 5 had started, and it was the episode where David Tennant left, and I was a puddle.
I missed the converse, the glasses that made him look cleva', and the new one is trying to coin the catchphrase "Geronimo."
BUT! now that series 5 has ended. I love him. He's quirky and the man can rock a bowtie...
He's setting a trend! 
One that I think is one of the best trends to come along in a while. 
Now I've made two out of scraps I've had lying around, have been strictly told several times 
that I'm only borrowing my dad's little red clip-on, and found a sweet skinny black clip on for 96 cents at a thrift store. 

I think I look rather dandy with my bowler hat and sweater+bowtie combo
I've only made a couple on a whim,  but I really like the simplicity of a process that has rather dapper and quirky results. In fact, I've been thinking of opening an etsy shop. 
It started with looking for cute bloomers.
Weird, I know. But I was thinking about wearing skirts while riding a bike, and how to solve the awkward "flowy fabric in the breeze is the only thing between me and extreme immodesty." And I thought, bloomers!
Too bad a quick search for them resulted in only three categories:
1. Weird vampy sexy lace-up bloomers
2. Plain white Ren Faire replicas
3. Perfect cute bloomers with pretty lace and bows.... for children.
So I thought about making bloomers for classy ladies who go for a cycle ride now and then (in fact, I think I still might, so no one out there snatch my idea. I'm a poor private college student who needs the profit for things like exacto-knives and shampoo). 
Then I made the bowties, and I was hooked. Or rather, "clipped." Haha. Get it?
So now I'm thinking over starting a little business. I would take this semester off to plan, sketch ideas, get some things made and ready to sell, and of course get school work done. Then after creation preparation and the actual creation part I would set up shop and try to keep it going in the midst of school insanity.
At least it would be flexible.

Oh.... remember what I said about not posting again until I'm back from Germany?
I lied... or rather didn't know that sudden bow tie inspiration and adoration would hit me later on in the same night.
I'm not going to make any promises this time.
-Brenna Kathleen

1 comment:

kelseyosterman said...

I have always had an entrepreneurial streak in me. I sold soap as a kid, and raised a lot of money for people in Africa that way. But lately I have been thinking about starting some sort of small business to make some extra dough. We must be on the same brain wave length. :)

P.S. I started a Polyvore, just to see what it is like. I was very curious as to how it worked. Some of the finished products (made by you and others) are very pretty, but I don't think it's my thing. Meh...I have other things. :)