Like this:

If you look at the site you will see that it costs about $80.
Now, the moment I looked at this I knew I had to have it. It's the perfect thing to combine me love for old things (especially books, they make my heart flutter) and technology.
But for $80?! No way.
So, I put my creative skills to work. I looked at tall the pictures, examining the look and figuring out how it was made (people who shop with me will often witness me doing this in store like Anthropologie and Urban Outfitters since I'm broke and can't afford to shop there).
Now I keep the images, and search. I search around such places as a thrift store, vintage shop, or a second hand bookstore. I search until I find the perfect old book that will do me the job.
Then I (carefully) separate the binding from the book part (hopefully I'll find something really good I can use in another project). Maybe add some cardboard of sorts to ensure it's tough, then I attach the zipper all around (with super glue?), then attach a nice lining on the inside, and voila!
That's my plan. I really really love this cover. it helps that I've been wanting a cover for my computer. I've been thinking of knitting one, but this is definitely way better than any odd thing I could clumsily knit.
I'll be sure to keep an update on this project. It's not at the top of my list, just sort of a gather-as-you-go type of ordeal.
I'll be on the hunt for the perfect book. Wish me luck!
-Brenna Kathleen