
Monday, January 11, 2010

Life List

Being a bit after the celebration of New Years, everyone seems to be on the subject of resolutions. I've made a few for the year and for life, including the style change I've been writing of recently. But I always seem to be thinking of life goals I would like to accomplish in my lifetime. I have an ongoing list and no doubt it will continue growing, but I thought I'd share a few with you today...

1. visit all of the Disneylands in the world.

2. own a house with a swing in the tree

3. have an extensive and ever-growing library

4. own a cat

5. get married and have kids

6. learn to drive (I know, 20 and I still don't know how)

7. visit the UK and the Czech Republic. (and try to find where my family once lived)

8. Ride in the Lilly Belle, the extremely exclusive caboose at the end of the Disneyland train.

9. Visiting the Shakespeare & Co. bookstore in Paris

That's really all I can think of off the top of my head. I think that all of those seem pretty realistic. It's not like I listed owning a pony and living in a castle in Scotland. Although I wouldn't mind either of those :] Maybe the most outrageous one is visiting all the Disneylands. I don't think I'll ever have enough money to do those. But it never hurts to dream!

Happy Monday everyone!
-Brenna Kathleen

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