I LOVE the movie Penelope. It's just a movie I can watch over and over again. It's funny, quirky, and has lots of eye candy!

No! not that kind! (although, James McAvoy does happen to be one of my favorite actors to uhm.... watch on screen)
I mean real eye candy!
The Costumes!!!

And the sets!

I really, truly wish I had Penelope's room. Look at the amazing terrariums..

And her swing!

My goodness. It hits the extra cushy spot in my little heart and makes it pitter-patter more than watching Hugh Jackman in a period film.
I recently wrote on my changes in style, and I very much plan to have that carry into every part of my life, the main part being home decor.
Oh, yes. I love decorating a home. I love little bits and knick-knacks and amazing cushy couches with embroidered pillows.
You all now think of me as a grandma or a crazy cat lady, don't you?
Well, if I do grow to be a crazy cat lady, I hope to end up like this:

At least you couldn't deny that I have style.
But what I really mean is that I love the feeling of a comfortable and aesthetically pleasing living space. I love looking at the furnishings on sites such as Anthropologie and Urban Outfitters more than I like looking at the clothes (mostly because the high prices of things as simple as tee shirts makes my cry a little inside).
Right now I am in a dorm room living situation, and as much as I love my roommates sometimes I get sick of having them there simply because it means I have to compromise on decor. But all is well, soon I will have my very own apartment/home to decorate and being the woman, I think it's safe to assume that I will be the leader in that endeavor.
Although I look forward to the creativity my other will bring to the table. You see, if I'm married to him then it means he's my true love, and that means we're perfect for each other, and that means that we will probably have similar life styles, and therefore I'm sure we will agree on how we furnish our home.
Whew! That was a mouthful. If you're still hanging on. I'd like to quickly congratulate you and close this little ramble with a lovely picture that I found of a wonderful room that's full of vintage goodness and whimsical touches.

-Brenna Kathleen
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