
Saturday, May 29, 2010

Home Sweet Home...

I made it! I survived my sophomore year of college. I thought the 18 units were going to pound me into the carpet of my extremely cluttered dorm room.
But after hours of packing and cleaning, traffic, and more traffic resulting in a 3 hour long drive that should have only lasted 1 1/2, I'm home. Yes, I have lots of boxes in the family room that I have to go through over the next few days. Yes, I start work on Tuesday after missing it completely due to traffic today. Yes, I have to do an extreme downsize on everything that I'll be bringing back. But I'm done and home! I've forgotten how comfy my bed here is. I can't wait to snuggle in it again, even if I'm surrounded by suitcases and boxes when I wake up.

Since I'm here and resting. I can leisurely look at web sites again without feeling guilty because I should be doing something else. So I took a quick trip over to........ you guessed it! Modcolth.

I've mentioned before that one of my favorite things that they've done on their site is add a "longer lengths" section in their dresses. Although some of them still seem to be just as the knee, it's better than the usual length which is just below your pelvic bone.

But the things there make me waft off to dream land where money doesn't matter, and your outfit is always darling and cute...
Who wouldn't LOVE this amazing little envelope necklace, with a little letter inside!

I also get some ideas for future living situations, be they dorm room or a real home.
Who thought of this beautiful contraption?! It makes me want to wash dishes all day long and whistle happy tunes.

 The barely-dipped rose handle on this mug.... is it disgusting if I describe it as 'delicious'?

I'm actually excited to go through everything I brought back. I won't have much room next year, and I'll have to come up with some sort of container system for my art supplies. 
But think of the potential of an empty canvas of a space, I take it as a challenge.

I've already taken measurements of every piece of furniture in the room, and will be attempting to make a slip cover with built-in cushions for my ugly college-supplied desk chair. 

This will be epic.

Until next time, which won't be so long now that I have more free time!!

-Brenna Kathleen

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