The sad part is that the date 7/11 also happens to be free Slurpee day, and that was not known to me. =[
I'm excited for the fast approaching day of Comic Con! I even made a nerdy tee shirt.
Because what kind of Alice would I be, if I didn't root for everyone's favorite empathetic vampire?
On a trip up to Julian this past Saturday, my companions and I realized that almost everything there closes at 5. It wasn't to good considering we got there at 5:30.....
But never fear! We got our famous Julian Apple Pie, and had more fun in the car than we actually did in town.
Southern California is a beautiful place. Well, the wild parts of it that have not yet been turned into identical suburbs are.
Isn't it pretty??
Picture our party, a car full of middle class white folk, driving past all the darkening fields of Ramona. Windows down, wind blowing through our hair as they* all sing out "I'm so hood!!!!"
=] Unfortunately, my brother brought a stack of unknown CDs with him. Lucky for him and the rest of the people who were with us, the CDs were mostly hip-hop tracks to popular songs. Unlucky for me, there wasn't a single Disney song in the bunch.
Many more adventures to come in the next week! Maybe even a surprise event and.... is that movie popcorn I smell??????? =D
-Brenna Kathleen/Alice
* I say "they" instead of "we" because I had never heard any of those songs before in my life. And I was too busy laughing and shaking my head at everyone to try and learn the words.
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