I feel like I have several things I want to write about, but at the moment I can't think of them exactly.
My feet are stained dirty.... it's gross. Because I wear flip-flops all the time they get dirty faster, but I think that all our barefoot walks at night around campus have caught up with me. I was scrubbing them clean last night, and they still looked dirty!!! ugh.... it's annoying, and kinda' gross.
Today my Bible prof is out of town, so his wife came in and talked to us about journaling. I've been meaning to start that. I obviously have this blog, so I've technically already started, but I have several note books that I've been meaning to write in. I sort of have my sketchbook as a journal. When I go and draw, I don't only sketch pictures, I write down dates and times and little things that happen, or things that I think about.
Like last night, Kendall, Nunu, and Jojo dragged me out to Metzger lawn so they could practice ultimate frisbee. They wanted me to play, but I have no clue how to, so i was my stubborn self and sat and drew whatever came my way or struck my fancy.
I saw a shooting star! I was really cool. really fast, zooming through the air, then it fizzled bright red and went out.
Then today I went to music at noon (technically noon thirty) and I made notes on the expressions that the accordionist got when he played a cool part. He would raise one of his eyebrows as if to say "yeah, I'm that cool"
Then I got distracted by people's ears. They're so cool! I know it's weird to have such a fascination with ears. But they're like finger prints! Everyone has different ears. Kelsey has pointed ears! I can't wait to draw hers. So I was sitting in music at noon, looking at everyone's ears in the audience, trying to see if anyone was at a good angle for me to draw their ears. No one was with out me having to turn away from the stage. hmm.... I saw some cool ears though! :D
You don't really think about it, but when you take time to notice people's ears, sometimes they're not what you would expect. Some people have really cute little ears... and they're these guys that you would think would have these macho ears, but no... cute little ears.
art is fun. I like art.
My cousins from Tacoma are coming! I'm excited! Woo! I hope that Anna will get to come chill with me.
The roommie is leaving Thursday night and wont be back until after thanksgiving......
I don't know what else to write about...... rambling over?
I guess....
...well, maybe not seven. let's see: art major, friend, sister, daughter,makeup artist, stylist, designer,singer, librarian, writer, princess, actress, roommate, neighbor... okay, maybe more than seven
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Beautiful Chaos
I love the music building at Biola. I love the music people too. I’m sitting in a sound proof room with Kelsey right now. We were just hanging out and decided to escape the rare southern Californian cold and retreat in to the warmth of the Crowell building. The moment you walk in you hear all the different music going on. It’s like a constant sound of rehearsal. There is piano in another room, the random words sung by the vocalists, and different bands and groups coming together to practice their songs. I love it so much. It never fails to amaze me at how much music is needed in my life. I need it like a constant dose of medicine. Today I attended the music at noon (which is oddly enough actually at 12:30); my main reason to go was to watch Kelsey play because it was the symphonic winds group performing. But when the music started, it filled me with such a feeling. I don’t even know if I can explain it in words. It was kind of like when you walk outside just after it has rained and you can t help but take in a deep breath. And I did, as the music built up inside me, I breathed in and out deeply, like I was filling myself up with all the music and letting go of any anxieties or problems. Laughter may be the best medicine, but music comes in a close second. It was beautiful chaos. All the instruments were playing their own parts, but all at the same time, it seemed like the noise should be juxtaposing each there, like they clash in the oddest way, but at the same time they worked together, like they knew there was no way of escaping the fact that they were going to be played together, so they came to a compromise. Such strange emotions are created with music. And again, I can’t even name it. Something just wells up inside you, and you have to let it out by breathing, or singing, or playing along. Obviously I was at a concert so joining in was not an option at the time, but a nice deep breath was just the ticket in my case. Praise God for the treasured gift of music.
I love that artists and musicians get along so well, they are themselves, the same, just different types of each other. We have the same interests and feelings about things. Musicians are like the audible version of artists, and in turn, artists are the visual version of musicians. That my be why I love the music building so much, and all the people I meet who are music majors, or musical in any way. We share that part where we’re different from the world. We are compelled to create in some way, something that is. Maybe it creates emotion, or thought, or insight, but it is. We’re also outcasts together. We both share the “impractical” majors. The science majors scoff at us. The psych majors want to analyze everything we do, and prescribe something for whatever condition we appear to have. And the math majors….well……. we don’t talk about them much.
The musicians have such a cute tight knit group as well. The artists do too, but our buildings and classes are so far apart. Were up there, in McNally, out in the boonies of Biola, and our classes are split up in a way they we might never even see other art majors if we don’t share a class together. Now the musicians have their cozy little building, located right in the central hub of the Biolan campus. They’re all smooshed together in an outdated building, forced to see one another, because it is pretty much impossible to go from one place to another without running into half of the music major population. And the noise! It’s amazing! Such talent walks down the halls of this small structure. It’s practically bursting with it, it’s a part of life, the way everyone shares in the music in the melodies and harmonies that people have created. I’d love to be a part of that. And I hope to be. And I am already making my way in. As I said before, I’m just sitting here, in a little sound proof booth with Kelsey, as she strums her ukulele or fingers out songs on the piano. I hope that for next semester I will have to draw people as practice for my figure studies class. I’m planning on coming in here, drawing people practicing music. Wouldn’t that be amazing to do? I’d never be good enough to capture the likeness, or even the talent of these people, but I can be here, in the building and listen to the most beautiful chaos.
I love that artists and musicians get along so well, they are themselves, the same, just different types of each other. We have the same interests and feelings about things. Musicians are like the audible version of artists, and in turn, artists are the visual version of musicians. That my be why I love the music building so much, and all the people I meet who are music majors, or musical in any way. We share that part where we’re different from the world. We are compelled to create in some way, something that is. Maybe it creates emotion, or thought, or insight, but it is. We’re also outcasts together. We both share the “impractical” majors. The science majors scoff at us. The psych majors want to analyze everything we do, and prescribe something for whatever condition we appear to have. And the math majors….well……. we don’t talk about them much.
The musicians have such a cute tight knit group as well. The artists do too, but our buildings and classes are so far apart. Were up there, in McNally, out in the boonies of Biola, and our classes are split up in a way they we might never even see other art majors if we don’t share a class together. Now the musicians have their cozy little building, located right in the central hub of the Biolan campus. They’re all smooshed together in an outdated building, forced to see one another, because it is pretty much impossible to go from one place to another without running into half of the music major population. And the noise! It’s amazing! Such talent walks down the halls of this small structure. It’s practically bursting with it, it’s a part of life, the way everyone shares in the music in the melodies and harmonies that people have created. I’d love to be a part of that. And I hope to be. And I am already making my way in. As I said before, I’m just sitting here, in a little sound proof booth with Kelsey, as she strums her ukulele or fingers out songs on the piano. I hope that for next semester I will have to draw people as practice for my figure studies class. I’m planning on coming in here, drawing people practicing music. Wouldn’t that be amazing to do? I’d never be good enough to capture the likeness, or even the talent of these people, but I can be here, in the building and listen to the most beautiful chaos.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
So Funny
the musical In the Heights is amazing. I'm not totally into it, but from what I've heard I wouldn't mind going to see it at all. And High School Musical is the best thing ever to make fun of. So combine those two amazing things and you get this:
Lin-Manuel Miranda is a genius.
I love when he gets sand in his mouth. =D
I had to share
Lin-Manuel Miranda is a genius.
I love when he gets sand in his mouth. =D
I had to share
Friday, October 31, 2008
I love Halloween. =]
This year is awesome because my dorm turns into Candyland for the night and little kids come and trick-or-treat at our door! So my floor is Gloppy the molasses monster (now chocolate monster.. i guess..)
But we decided that instead of just doing Gloppy we'd do Gloppyland! So we each picked a ride form Disneyland and incorporated Gloppy into it!
My ride is Indiana Jones. WOO!!! I got to the list early to make sure I got it.
So I spent about 13 hours working on it total. I was up until 5am last night(this morning) finishing it. I have stone "stone" snakes on either side of my door with the eye above it. And Gloppy Jones is hanging from a rope trying to scape the boulder coming at him! Below is the Big head dude with his glowing eye, and a rickety wood and rope bridge is spanning the big cave with a car trying to cross safely.
Right now I have the music from the ride playing on my speakers right inside the door so it can be heard outside. =D
It's awesome. There's a contest too... I might win a place.. but there are some amazing ones on my floor! Alice in Gloppy land took up most of their wall. My friend Kendall did pirates and has awesome details, even a treasure chest filled wit candy!
Jojo and Nunu next door have Splash Mt. And they have little lollipop people riding in the gloppy splashes!!! It's soo fun!!!
Well, I have to head out and catch the last bit of every one's ultimate Frisbee game.
This year is awesome because my dorm turns into Candyland for the night and little kids come and trick-or-treat at our door! So my floor is Gloppy the molasses monster (now chocolate monster.. i guess..)
But we decided that instead of just doing Gloppy we'd do Gloppyland! So we each picked a ride form Disneyland and incorporated Gloppy into it!
My ride is Indiana Jones. WOO!!! I got to the list early to make sure I got it.
So I spent about 13 hours working on it total. I was up until 5am last night(this morning) finishing it. I have stone "stone" snakes on either side of my door with the eye above it. And Gloppy Jones is hanging from a rope trying to scape the boulder coming at him! Below is the Big head dude with his glowing eye, and a rickety wood and rope bridge is spanning the big cave with a car trying to cross safely.
Right now I have the music from the ride playing on my speakers right inside the door so it can be heard outside. =D
It's awesome. There's a contest too... I might win a place.. but there are some amazing ones on my floor! Alice in Gloppy land took up most of their wall. My friend Kendall did pirates and has awesome details, even a treasure chest filled wit candy!
Jojo and Nunu next door have Splash Mt. And they have little lollipop people riding in the gloppy splashes!!! It's soo fun!!!
Well, I have to head out and catch the last bit of every one's ultimate Frisbee game.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
I hate money
I've always had bad feelings towards money, because I've never really had any. But now it just makes me furious.
It's not fair that some people are able to pay for something like college, and not even think about it, and others have to wonder of they're ever coming back.
I hate that I get so attached to people. It just hurts me more when they leave.
I want to be selfish. I want to stop it. I want to write to a bunch of different people who would send money to keep her here. I don't want her to leave.
She just got here. It's not fair that I get an amazing friend, someone I look up to and love, and then have her torn away from me. I don't want to let that happen.
I don't want to be giving, I don't wan to share, or be sweet or anything. it's not fair.
She's here for a reason. God cant have a different plan for her. She's worked too hard to leave now. This is where she has to learn.
Who do I write to? Who will help?
I don't care that life isn't fair. It has to be, just this once.I wont let her go.
Who else will I say "I hate you" too when I force myself to exercise?
Who else will I go to when I hurt myself, even though she doesn't know what to do yet?
Who else will I give the 3cm salute to?
Who else will I talk to about what I want to do with my life?
Who else will give me insight, and propose new ideas for what I can do in my life?
Who else will I be single with?
Who else will I threaten to throw into the street?
Who else will give me a bit of Oregon to carry around with me?
Who else will willingly leave this place because she feels like she's being selfish?
I'm the selfish one.
And I'm fine with it. I'm gunna be selfish. She's my friend.
What if she does leave after this semester? Will they give Jojo a new roommate? Will she leave? Who's room will I go in when I want a quiet place to study in? Who else will put up with a rave in their room? She's one of a kind.
I'm afraid that she's going to leave, and we'll grow apart. I've only known her for a little over a month, but I want to know her the rest of my life. Like everyone here. I promised her she could go to my wedding. I know we'd grow apart. And it sucks.
I dont want to trust God, I'm afraid to, because what if His plan is for her to leave? I wish I was rich, I would pay for it myself. How are we going to pay for our trip to Ireland, if we cant even afford college? And how are we going to pay for college, if we dont go to Ireland and marry hot rich Irish (Scottish for me) guys?
I'll keep looking. I wont give up. I have to do something.
I hate that you can't be alone here. And yet, I hate that I am alone.
It's not fair that some people are able to pay for something like college, and not even think about it, and others have to wonder of they're ever coming back.
I hate that I get so attached to people. It just hurts me more when they leave.
I want to be selfish. I want to stop it. I want to write to a bunch of different people who would send money to keep her here. I don't want her to leave.
She just got here. It's not fair that I get an amazing friend, someone I look up to and love, and then have her torn away from me. I don't want to let that happen.
I don't want to be giving, I don't wan to share, or be sweet or anything. it's not fair.
She's here for a reason. God cant have a different plan for her. She's worked too hard to leave now. This is where she has to learn.
Who do I write to? Who will help?
I don't care that life isn't fair. It has to be, just this once.I wont let her go.
Who else will I say "I hate you" too when I force myself to exercise?
Who else will I go to when I hurt myself, even though she doesn't know what to do yet?
Who else will I give the 3cm salute to?
Who else will I talk to about what I want to do with my life?
Who else will give me insight, and propose new ideas for what I can do in my life?
Who else will I be single with?
Who else will I threaten to throw into the street?
Who else will give me a bit of Oregon to carry around with me?
Who else will willingly leave this place because she feels like she's being selfish?
I'm the selfish one.
And I'm fine with it. I'm gunna be selfish. She's my friend.
What if she does leave after this semester? Will they give Jojo a new roommate? Will she leave? Who's room will I go in when I want a quiet place to study in? Who else will put up with a rave in their room? She's one of a kind.
I'm afraid that she's going to leave, and we'll grow apart. I've only known her for a little over a month, but I want to know her the rest of my life. Like everyone here. I promised her she could go to my wedding. I know we'd grow apart. And it sucks.
I dont want to trust God, I'm afraid to, because what if His plan is for her to leave? I wish I was rich, I would pay for it myself. How are we going to pay for our trip to Ireland, if we cant even afford college? And how are we going to pay for college, if we dont go to Ireland and marry hot rich Irish (Scottish for me) guys?
I'll keep looking. I wont give up. I have to do something.
I hate that you can't be alone here. And yet, I hate that I am alone.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
My back hurts =[
I have at least two terrible knots in my back.... well, one's on my shoulder.
Kendall helped a lot though, but my lower back is always hurting from sitting over art, and computers, and books.
Another thing that hurts as much as the knots is my heart. I have met so many wonderful people at school. And I've become fast friends with several of them.
It hurts me when things happen to people I love, and I don't know what to say. I can't help them. The only thing I know how to do is be there with them. I just wish I could provide them with some kind of wisdom or solution.
But I've been confronted with situations that I'm not familiar with. I can't empathize. I want to be able to tell them that everything will be okay, but I don't know if it will be.
We are guaranteed hard times in our life.
Some times it's even hard to sympathize.
I've learned several things:
- I'm a pushover.
I hate it when I see my friends hurt, so I never want to be involved with creating a situation where that might happen. I need to learn to put limits on what I'm willing to do.
- I cry at odd things
I already knew a bit about this one. I dont cry at real life big things, like deaths. I just don't. But I cry during television shows, movies, and books. I also cry when I feel hurting. Tonight I felt like I was absorbing some of it, and in my crazy mind, I was hoping I was. I wish I could take some of the pain, so my friends didn't have to suffer. I have my problems, but things like my family life are great. So when I see people hurting over something I have never had to deal with, it breaks my heart. Some people have to go through things multiple times, and it's not fair. I wish I could save them from it.
- I'm compassionate
I just realized that. Is that jumping to a conclusion? I would hate to toot my own horn for fear of sounding prideful. But I've always felt deeply for my friends. I'm quick to love, too. The 5+ of us that hang out regularly have only been close for about 2 weeks. Yet four of them I feel like I've known them always. They're already my sisters.
It makes sense. I'm a very touchy-feely person. I scare some people sometimes because I hug them. And I love to hug. I love leaning on people or holding hands. It's all friendly! I just love feeling the sense of connection with people. I always worry it makes others feel uncomfortable. But these girls.are.the.best. It might be because we live together. Just a wall apart with half of them (I can even hear them right now).
I hope God uses me someday with my love. Sometimes it's so hard for me to love, and sometimes it's extremely easy. I know God will. Maybe He already has, but I wouldn't be gifted this way for nothing. I cant wait now to see what's coming up for me. I have so much love to give still.
But those things are not good when mixed together.
Easily taken advantage of and easily handing out love?
yikes. I need to keep a lookout.
It hurts to think that someone would do something harmful to someone who just wants to be a comforter, friend, sister, confidante, and lover.
hmmmm.... well, I should be off to bed.... it's quite early in the morning and I need to get up in a couple of hours for a chat. I pray I find the patience and love for this one (odd how someone who so easily loves, finds themselves unable to in some situations)
I love you!
I have at least two terrible knots in my back.... well, one's on my shoulder.
Kendall helped a lot though, but my lower back is always hurting from sitting over art, and computers, and books.
Another thing that hurts as much as the knots is my heart. I have met so many wonderful people at school. And I've become fast friends with several of them.
It hurts me when things happen to people I love, and I don't know what to say. I can't help them. The only thing I know how to do is be there with them. I just wish I could provide them with some kind of wisdom or solution.
But I've been confronted with situations that I'm not familiar with. I can't empathize. I want to be able to tell them that everything will be okay, but I don't know if it will be.
We are guaranteed hard times in our life.
Some times it's even hard to sympathize.
I've learned several things:
- I'm a pushover.
I hate it when I see my friends hurt, so I never want to be involved with creating a situation where that might happen. I need to learn to put limits on what I'm willing to do.
- I cry at odd things
I already knew a bit about this one. I dont cry at real life big things, like deaths. I just don't. But I cry during television shows, movies, and books. I also cry when I feel hurting. Tonight I felt like I was absorbing some of it, and in my crazy mind, I was hoping I was. I wish I could take some of the pain, so my friends didn't have to suffer. I have my problems, but things like my family life are great. So when I see people hurting over something I have never had to deal with, it breaks my heart. Some people have to go through things multiple times, and it's not fair. I wish I could save them from it.
- I'm compassionate
I just realized that. Is that jumping to a conclusion? I would hate to toot my own horn for fear of sounding prideful. But I've always felt deeply for my friends. I'm quick to love, too. The 5+ of us that hang out regularly have only been close for about 2 weeks. Yet four of them I feel like I've known them always. They're already my sisters.
It makes sense. I'm a very touchy-feely person. I scare some people sometimes because I hug them. And I love to hug. I love leaning on people or holding hands. It's all friendly! I just love feeling the sense of connection with people. I always worry it makes others feel uncomfortable. But these girls.are.the.best. It might be because we live together. Just a wall apart with half of them (I can even hear them right now).
I hope God uses me someday with my love. Sometimes it's so hard for me to love, and sometimes it's extremely easy. I know God will. Maybe He already has, but I wouldn't be gifted this way for nothing. I cant wait now to see what's coming up for me. I have so much love to give still.
But those things are not good when mixed together.
Easily taken advantage of and easily handing out love?
yikes. I need to keep a lookout.
It hurts to think that someone would do something harmful to someone who just wants to be a comforter, friend, sister, confidante, and lover.
hmmmm.... well, I should be off to bed.... it's quite early in the morning and I need to get up in a couple of hours for a chat. I pray I find the patience and love for this one (odd how someone who so easily loves, finds themselves unable to in some situations)
I love you!
Friday, September 5, 2008
hahaha. I guess that the reality show we deserve is going to be a differetn blog, because I like having my own to write in...
But I'll probably be in that on a lot. So all y'all who wanna know what I'm up to....
I'll still come by and chat in here though! =D
So.... I'm going to copy and paste that last post, do some editing, and post it over in the other blog...... later guys!
But I'll probably be in that on a lot. So all y'all who wanna know what I'm up to....
I'll still come by and chat in here though! =D
So.... I'm going to copy and paste that last post, do some editing, and post it over in the other blog...... later guys!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
So, I read the last Twilight book.
It was good, it made me put the whole series into perspective. And it's not that great.
I mean, it's an awesome book series, and I still love it.... I guess it's not such a huge deal to me anymore.
So my blog is going to change a bit. It will just be me and my crazy life.
College life!!
I've been talking with my college buddies, and we need a reality TV show. Because what place is more interesting than the bottom floor of an all girls dorm. AT a christian college =D
SEE? it's better than Laguna Beach. You know it is.
picture this: Three girls in a room. One reading in a bunk bed, one in a chair on the computer, and one reading on the floor (me). The door is halfway open. It's all quiet, the girls are studying and all the sudden, you see about four more girls quietly lunge past the open door. Like, the exercise, lunge.
It's been a little over a week, and we already have a "gansta" hand motion known as the "Three Centimeter Salute". My neighbor is a nursing major, who has friends in the labor and delivery department. =D
in fact, at this moment she's up in her bed, studying flash cards.....
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That's Elisabeth ( Nunu) Studying away.... doing the 3cm salute =D
Her roommie is Kelsey ( Jojo). I'm at her desk right now, since she's out and my roommie is asleep. Nunu and Jojo's room has become the study room. Since my roommate, Bethany, likes to listen to music as she studies, I found this a very nice place to be when I need to concentrate.
Kendall ( from down the hall) has been known to come here as well, when her room gets too hectic ( 3 in one room! yikes) or lonely.
What else.......... I don't know...
Nunu? any ideas??
-"our brownies"
Oh yes! we made brownies. Of course we had to go to the store to get the brownie mix, eggs, and oil. And we had adventure #4 when we went in search of an Indian market that no longer exists where google maps said it was. BUT! there is good news. We got BOBA!!!! Kendall and I LOVE boba! and we got Nunu, Bethany, and our friend Mary to try it. Strawberry Slush with boba..... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!
Brownies! yes.. we got the mix and fixins' AND we got milk chocolate Symphony bars ( a trick I learned from my lovely friend Samantha Michelle, who is at college in Arizona). We put half the batter in the pan.... chocolate bars layed down, then the other half on top. Bake.
Believe me, it sounds amazing, but I honestly only had one small bite, after that you just feel sick. Hahaha. I'll post the pics later of Nunu's amazing Brownie Flipping skills.... when we tried to get them out of the pan.... they weren't really brownies anymore...........
After getting ourselves sick off brownies.... oh! and Oreos dipped in natural peanut butter... it's like heaven in your mouth!!!!!!!! and a few games of Kings in a corner in the hall... we watched " A Little Princess." Because we're girls. And we can. =]
Adventure #5...... girls out to Brea Mall, here by Fullerton. We tried on dresses in this one store..
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Apparently you cant take pictures in there though.. oops...
If you're all wondering what adventures took place before #s 4 and 5.... Kendall and I bonded over our love of Halloween superstores. And we're soo close to soo many! So yeah.... Friday trips to Burbank and back =D Harry potter glasses.... and liquid latex
We also bonded over boba and our new obsession with henna. We went halvsies on a kit we found at the Art Supply Warehouse ( where I spent about $170 on art supplies for my classes.. eek!). And did some henna on ourselves.... and everyone else around us.... it looked like a little, but it was a lot!
The design on my hand........
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And my favorite!!! It's actually high up there on my list for if I ever get an actual tattoo....
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just the apple though, not the swirlies. =D
We're going to go to a taping of AFV ( Americas Funniest Home Videos) on Saturday!!
That should be awesome.
I love living up here, where we're so close to everything. There's a lot to do up in LA or down in the OC. hmmmm... " Jojo? what else should I write about?????"
- * brushing teeth* "Beau"
me- "ohhhhhhhh!!!!............no."
Jojo- *kicks slipper at me*
Discussion on peeing for long periods of time...yup, that just happened while sitting in the hallway- Jojo.
Okay.... Jojo is going to tell you all a story now..... about the reason why she kicked her slipper at me =]
"NO, Jojo is going to bed like a smart little duck, leaving all this late-night blogging for the crazy hooligans who think they are characters from books. Goodnight Brenna."
---- I know perfectly well that I am not a character from a book, we're just alike in many ways....... At least take a picture with me =D
"Looking like I just crawled out from under a rock? Hardly."-Jojo
" i do too!!! PLEEEEEEEEEAAAAASSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!"* adorable face*
*laughing* "You call that adorable?!?"-Jojo "I'm going to bed...if you want a picture with me you'll have to pick the lock."
=[ she ran away................. poo.
well.... i should go to bed as well... I need to brush my teeth and all that jazz....
So, goodnight to all.. or should I say good morning? it is, after all, 12:08 in the morning.....
I have intro to psych tomorrow at 1:30.....
P.S.- sorry for the weird photobucket thingies.. i dunno how to fix them =D
It was good, it made me put the whole series into perspective. And it's not that great.
I mean, it's an awesome book series, and I still love it.... I guess it's not such a huge deal to me anymore.
So my blog is going to change a bit. It will just be me and my crazy life.
College life!!
I've been talking with my college buddies, and we need a reality TV show. Because what place is more interesting than the bottom floor of an all girls dorm. AT a christian college =D
SEE? it's better than Laguna Beach. You know it is.
picture this: Three girls in a room. One reading in a bunk bed, one in a chair on the computer, and one reading on the floor (me). The door is halfway open. It's all quiet, the girls are studying and all the sudden, you see about four more girls quietly lunge past the open door. Like, the exercise, lunge.
It's been a little over a week, and we already have a "gansta" hand motion known as the "Three Centimeter Salute". My neighbor is a nursing major, who has friends in the labor and delivery department. =D
in fact, at this moment she's up in her bed, studying flash cards.....
That's Elisabeth ( Nunu) Studying away.... doing the 3cm salute =D
Her roommie is Kelsey ( Jojo). I'm at her desk right now, since she's out and my roommie is asleep. Nunu and Jojo's room has become the study room. Since my roommate, Bethany, likes to listen to music as she studies, I found this a very nice place to be when I need to concentrate.
Kendall ( from down the hall) has been known to come here as well, when her room gets too hectic ( 3 in one room! yikes) or lonely.
What else.......... I don't know...
Nunu? any ideas??
-"our brownies"
Oh yes! we made brownies. Of course we had to go to the store to get the brownie mix, eggs, and oil. And we had adventure #4 when we went in search of an Indian market that no longer exists where google maps said it was. BUT! there is good news. We got BOBA!!!! Kendall and I LOVE boba! and we got Nunu, Bethany, and our friend Mary to try it. Strawberry Slush with boba..... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!
Brownies! yes.. we got the mix and fixins' AND we got milk chocolate Symphony bars ( a trick I learned from my lovely friend Samantha Michelle, who is at college in Arizona). We put half the batter in the pan.... chocolate bars layed down, then the other half on top. Bake.
Believe me, it sounds amazing, but I honestly only had one small bite, after that you just feel sick. Hahaha. I'll post the pics later of Nunu's amazing Brownie Flipping skills.... when we tried to get them out of the pan.... they weren't really brownies anymore...........
After getting ourselves sick off brownies.... oh! and Oreos dipped in natural peanut butter... it's like heaven in your mouth!!!!!!!! and a few games of Kings in a corner in the hall... we watched " A Little Princess." Because we're girls. And we can. =]
Adventure #5...... girls out to Brea Mall, here by Fullerton. We tried on dresses in this one store..
Apparently you cant take pictures in there though.. oops...
If you're all wondering what adventures took place before #s 4 and 5.... Kendall and I bonded over our love of Halloween superstores. And we're soo close to soo many! So yeah.... Friday trips to Burbank and back =D Harry potter glasses.... and liquid latex
We also bonded over boba and our new obsession with henna. We went halvsies on a kit we found at the Art Supply Warehouse ( where I spent about $170 on art supplies for my classes.. eek!). And did some henna on ourselves.... and everyone else around us.... it looked like a little, but it was a lot!
The design on my hand........
And my favorite!!! It's actually high up there on my list for if I ever get an actual tattoo....
just the apple though, not the swirlies. =D
We're going to go to a taping of AFV ( Americas Funniest Home Videos) on Saturday!!
That should be awesome.
I love living up here, where we're so close to everything. There's a lot to do up in LA or down in the OC. hmmmm... " Jojo? what else should I write about?????"
- * brushing teeth* "Beau"
me- "ohhhhhhhh!!!!............no."
Jojo- *kicks slipper at me*
Discussion on peeing for long periods of time...yup, that just happened while sitting in the hallway- Jojo.
Okay.... Jojo is going to tell you all a story now..... about the reason why she kicked her slipper at me =]
"NO, Jojo is going to bed like a smart little duck, leaving all this late-night blogging for the crazy hooligans who think they are characters from books. Goodnight Brenna."
---- I know perfectly well that I am not a character from a book, we're just alike in many ways....... At least take a picture with me =D
"Looking like I just crawled out from under a rock? Hardly."-Jojo
" i do too!!! PLEEEEEEEEEAAAAASSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!"* adorable face*
*laughing* "You call that adorable?!?"-Jojo "I'm going to bed...if you want a picture with me you'll have to pick the lock."
=[ she ran away................. poo.
well.... i should go to bed as well... I need to brush my teeth and all that jazz....
So, goodnight to all.. or should I say good morning? it is, after all, 12:08 in the morning.....
I have intro to psych tomorrow at 1:30.....
P.S.- sorry for the weird photobucket thingies.. i dunno how to fix them =D
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Watch this and fall in love! ....... you can thank me later
I <3 Joss Whedon and his brilliant mind.
So! Comic Con was amazing.
The Twilight panel was cool, and funny.
I promised my friends that I wouldn't act like a crazy fangirl. Because I'm just not that type of person.
But then they announced that Hugh Jackman was there.
I screamed like a girl. He was there. He was sorta' far away because I wondered the exhibit hall instead of waiting in line forever. But he was there! I heard him. Hahahahaha.
Then after Comic Con, I kidnapped my Mexican Bella. A friend and I took her to see a live recording of a "Leaky Mug" Harry Potter podcast. It was cool. We got pictures with the Mugglecast hosts who were there. We were nerds and it was awesome!!!!!!!!
Going Shopping for my Alice outfit soon =D My people are tagging along to help me, they're the best.
I met my new roommate for college.
We're going to get along =D
Sad, sad news though. She's freaked out by gnomes.
*sniff* I have to leave them behind..... to get packed away in boxes.. with NO AIR!!!!!
My poor gnomies.
I'm going to miss those cheery little faces and cute red hats.
... I think I need a hug. =[
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Cow people and apple pie
July 11 was dress up as a cow and get a free meal at chick-fil-a! So, what did I do with an amazing opportunity such as that? I busted out the black face paint stick and got my cow spot on!

The sad part is that the date 7/11 also happens to be free Slurpee day, and that was not known to me. =[
I'm excited for the fast approaching day of Comic Con! I even made a nerdy tee shirt.

Because what kind of Alice would I be, if I didn't root for everyone's favorite empathetic vampire?
On a trip up to Julian this past Saturday, my companions and I realized that almost everything there closes at 5. It wasn't to good considering we got there at 5:30.....
But never fear! We got our famous Julian Apple Pie, and had more fun in the car than we actually did in town.
Southern California is a beautiful place. Well, the wild parts of it that have not yet been turned into identical suburbs are.

Isn't it pretty??
Picture our party, a car full of middle class white folk, driving past all the darkening fields of Ramona. Windows down, wind blowing through our hair as they* all sing out "I'm so hood!!!!"
=] Unfortunately, my brother brought a stack of unknown CDs with him. Lucky for him and the rest of the people who were with us, the CDs were mostly hip-hop tracks to popular songs. Unlucky for me, there wasn't a single Disney song in the bunch.
Many more adventures to come in the next week! Maybe even a surprise event and.... is that movie popcorn I smell??????? =D
-Brenna Kathleen/Alice
* I say "they" instead of "we" because I had never heard any of those songs before in my life. And I was too busy laughing and shaking my head at everyone to try and learn the words.
The sad part is that the date 7/11 also happens to be free Slurpee day, and that was not known to me. =[
I'm excited for the fast approaching day of Comic Con! I even made a nerdy tee shirt.
Because what kind of Alice would I be, if I didn't root for everyone's favorite empathetic vampire?
On a trip up to Julian this past Saturday, my companions and I realized that almost everything there closes at 5. It wasn't to good considering we got there at 5:30.....
But never fear! We got our famous Julian Apple Pie, and had more fun in the car than we actually did in town.
Southern California is a beautiful place. Well, the wild parts of it that have not yet been turned into identical suburbs are.
Isn't it pretty??
Picture our party, a car full of middle class white folk, driving past all the darkening fields of Ramona. Windows down, wind blowing through our hair as they* all sing out "I'm so hood!!!!"
=] Unfortunately, my brother brought a stack of unknown CDs with him. Lucky for him and the rest of the people who were with us, the CDs were mostly hip-hop tracks to popular songs. Unlucky for me, there wasn't a single Disney song in the bunch.
Many more adventures to come in the next week! Maybe even a surprise event and.... is that movie popcorn I smell??????? =D
-Brenna Kathleen/Alice
* I say "they" instead of "we" because I had never heard any of those songs before in my life. And I was too busy laughing and shaking my head at everyone to try and learn the words.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Celebrity Collage by MyHeritage
MyHeritage: Family tree - Genealogy - Celeb - Collage - Morph
I found this site whilst looking through old posts on Kaleb Nation's web site. I've been searching and searching, trying to find out what his deal is with gnomes.
My interest in it is because, I recently found out we're almost one year apart in age, and the idea of someone else this young who fancies the wee garden creatures make me smile =]
Yes, loving garden gnomes is not a trait of Alice, but it is a trait of Snow White ( who I also happen to resemble in many ways)
I dont even remember how many Gnomes I have....... 30?
let me check.
31! Well, I was close! =]
Kaleb is a cool guy though. He gets my stamp of approval.
-Alice.... er... Snow............
Thursday, July 3, 2008
I took notes this time! Hahaha. You guys have no idea hoe much of a nerd I felt, writing stuff down going, "I gotta write this on my blog"
So. point One:
Bella has an odd foot phobia. She doesn't like them! I myself having no problem with our lowest apendage, dont see the deal. They're feet.
Point Two:
My Mex Bella dyed her hair black!!!! AHHH!!!! She's a Werewolf now!!!!!!
but she's still astonishingly clumsy, so she's still Bella to me. =]
UC Santa Cruz has a whole class on Muppets!!!!!! How awesome is that! Makes me want to go there....
Did anyone ever watch the Muppet Babies cartoon? I still remember the one where they go to Mother Goose land. it was cool.
"the Muppets made a BIG impact on my life!"
OH MY GOSH!!!! Shepherd's Pie!!!!! It's SOOO good!!! It's all tasty with the peas and meat and whipped potatoes on top.... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
The Scottish Highland games were fun. We watched dog runs.. while napping on Bella's stomach
Bella's tummy is warm and squishy. Good pillow.
We caught the Wicked Tinkers. Who are an awesome band. Laughed quietly at the old/middle aged women who were drinkin' at 11 in the morning.. prolly not their first, judging on their dancing. Checkin out everyone's cool Kilts. Eating the BESt shepherd's pie!!!!!!!*sigh* and getting some tasty British foods ( Violet Crumble, treacle toffee, and yummy digestive biscuts).
Bella Even found the love of her life!

See? he's Shiny. =D
I hung out with Arleah today, one of my werewolves. WE did some shopping and brought Panda Express into the movies with us.
I saw Wall-e for the second time! Everyone see Wall-e!!!! I cried!!!
So. the theatre is at the mall.... that means... SHOPPING!!!
I LOVE it!!
My friend Raven (aka: Vennie or Luna/Loony Lovegood), Sara (aka: Mex Bells), and I are starting another blog!
It's called Scribble Scribe and Scrawl.
We decided it would be fun to tell each other stories or just whatever we feel like. It's a way to keep in touch, since I'll be leaving soon. =[
Well, I do believe that's it.
Oh! I've been meaning to say that, Yes, I am like Alice, but another trait we don't share is the psychic abilities =]
Signing off until something else happens that's worth writing down,
So. point One:
Bella has an odd foot phobia. She doesn't like them! I myself having no problem with our lowest apendage, dont see the deal. They're feet.
Point Two:
My Mex Bella dyed her hair black!!!! AHHH!!!! She's a Werewolf now!!!!!!
but she's still astonishingly clumsy, so she's still Bella to me. =]
UC Santa Cruz has a whole class on Muppets!!!!!! How awesome is that! Makes me want to go there....
Did anyone ever watch the Muppet Babies cartoon? I still remember the one where they go to Mother Goose land. it was cool.
"the Muppets made a BIG impact on my life!"
OH MY GOSH!!!! Shepherd's Pie!!!!! It's SOOO good!!! It's all tasty with the peas and meat and whipped potatoes on top.... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
The Scottish Highland games were fun. We watched dog runs.. while napping on Bella's stomach
Bella's tummy is warm and squishy. Good pillow.
We caught the Wicked Tinkers. Who are an awesome band. Laughed quietly at the old/middle aged women who were drinkin' at 11 in the morning.. prolly not their first, judging on their dancing. Checkin out everyone's cool Kilts. Eating the BESt shepherd's pie!!!!!!!*sigh* and getting some tasty British foods ( Violet Crumble, treacle toffee, and yummy digestive biscuts).
Bella Even found the love of her life!
See? he's Shiny. =D
I hung out with Arleah today, one of my werewolves. WE did some shopping and brought Panda Express into the movies with us.
I saw Wall-e for the second time! Everyone see Wall-e!!!! I cried!!!
So. the theatre is at the mall.... that means... SHOPPING!!!
I LOVE it!!
My friend Raven (aka: Vennie or Luna/Loony Lovegood), Sara (aka: Mex Bells), and I are starting another blog!
It's called Scribble Scribe and Scrawl.
We decided it would be fun to tell each other stories or just whatever we feel like. It's a way to keep in touch, since I'll be leaving soon. =[
Well, I do believe that's it.
Oh! I've been meaning to say that, Yes, I am like Alice, but another trait we don't share is the psychic abilities =]
Signing off until something else happens that's worth writing down,
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Yes! Alice's favorite past time, and I must say I dont mind it too much myself =]
I've been shopping a lot lately, getting college clothes. Some people I know dont like my style *cough*Bella*cough*, but I like that I dress in monotone. Most of my clothes are black, gray, or black and white. I have a few reds, blues and purples here and there, but everything matches! Because I have all the same basic colors, my wardrobe is expanded without buying anything! =]
I think it's funny that in all the movie pics of Ashley Greene (Alice) her costumes are totally my style. I'd LOVE to explore that costume trailer! Just as I started to think.. I like all the cute black vests that are in style, Lo and behold! http://twilightsource.com/gallery/displayimage.php?album=11&pos=2
See the cute vest?! HA! I knew it.
I got my Comic Con ticket! So you'll see me there! I'll be the pale girl with spikey black hair at the Twilight booth (#4413) grabbing and buying all-that-is-Alice.
I do hope they sell the Cullen Crests. I know it's not in the book, but I still like them!
I gave my brother $2 for coffee today, and he agreed that when he becomes rich and famous he'll buy my a yellow Porsche 911 Turbo. =]
So I am quite the happy camper!
Bella is taking me to the Scottish Highland games up in Vista on Saturday! I'll take pics, so y'all see me and Bells checking out whatever hot young Scots men in kilts happen to be there.
May all your shopping days be major scores!( and don't buy gag-me items... PLEASE!)
I've been shopping a lot lately, getting college clothes. Some people I know dont like my style *cough*Bella*cough*, but I like that I dress in monotone. Most of my clothes are black, gray, or black and white. I have a few reds, blues and purples here and there, but everything matches! Because I have all the same basic colors, my wardrobe is expanded without buying anything! =]
I think it's funny that in all the movie pics of Ashley Greene (Alice) her costumes are totally my style. I'd LOVE to explore that costume trailer! Just as I started to think.. I like all the cute black vests that are in style, Lo and behold! http://twilightsource.com/gallery/displayimage.php?album=11&pos=2
See the cute vest?! HA! I knew it.
I got my Comic Con ticket! So you'll see me there! I'll be the pale girl with spikey black hair at the Twilight booth (#4413) grabbing and buying all-that-is-Alice.
I do hope they sell the Cullen Crests. I know it's not in the book, but I still like them!
I gave my brother $2 for coffee today, and he agreed that when he becomes rich and famous he'll buy my a yellow Porsche 911 Turbo. =]
So I am quite the happy camper!
Bella is taking me to the Scottish Highland games up in Vista on Saturday! I'll take pics, so y'all see me and Bells checking out whatever hot young Scots men in kilts happen to be there.
May all your shopping days be major scores!( and don't buy gag-me items... PLEASE!)
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
getting started
my name is Brenna Kathleen. and I'm the real Alice Cullen.
"how can you claim such a title?!?!" you say...
well, it's actually rather easy.
You see, I look like Alice. I may not be as tiny (length and width), or have the classic butterscotch eyes (but I have the contacts). But I do have very short black hair that sticks out in all directions. I am extremely pale, bouncy, fashion-minded, and I'm an awesome and loyal friend (if I do say so myself).
Why, even today I sat down my friend, Sara (my "Mexican Bella") and did her makeup.
I'm an aspiring makeup artist, and I love to style people.
I take my friends shopping and pick out their clothes all the time, And I also do my friend's makeup for dances and when ever I happen to be in the mood.
I even have some of the relations.....
My brother, Taran Gray (an up-and-coming musician) is my Emmet. He's big and can be kinda' scary, but he's actually like a cuddly teddy bear. He even fits most twi-fanfic writer's views on Emmy.... he loves Disney music =]
I'm lucky to have not one, but TWO Bella's in my life.
Bella, or Kyla, is the one who got me hooked on the series. She's clumsy and cooks ALL the time, while I sit at the table and talk and amuse myself. She NEVER wears dresses, 'cept when I force her into one for dances and things, I make her pretty for them too =]
My Mexican Bella, Sara, is very clumsy. Aww, she makes me laugh. My silly Bella.
she lets my tortu- I mean beautify her too =]
I have a Leah. She's beautiful, and a good friend of mine. She doesn't smell, but I act like she does.
Sorry girls, no Edward to set you up with.
No Jasper either, yet, but I'm sure he'll come in the next four years or so. =D
I dont live in Forks.. =[
I live in San Diego, CA. I know.... worst place for a vampy, but I manage =]
I LOVE glitter!! =D I have body glitter in various shapes and forms that I adore to apply almost every day, you can't really tell I have it on though.. only when I go into the sunlight..
I'm going off to college soon, so I'm leaving my Bella's behind. But I'm sure I'll meet some crazy characters at school.
If you want to find me, I might be spending all my free time hanging out in diners waiting for a certain "emotionally gifted" gentleman =D
Peace, Love, and a great pair of shoes!
my name is Brenna Kathleen. and I'm the real Alice Cullen.
"how can you claim such a title?!?!" you say...
well, it's actually rather easy.
You see, I look like Alice. I may not be as tiny (length and width), or have the classic butterscotch eyes (but I have the contacts). But I do have very short black hair that sticks out in all directions. I am extremely pale, bouncy, fashion-minded, and I'm an awesome and loyal friend (if I do say so myself).
Why, even today I sat down my friend, Sara (my "Mexican Bella") and did her makeup.
I'm an aspiring makeup artist, and I love to style people.
I take my friends shopping and pick out their clothes all the time, And I also do my friend's makeup for dances and when ever I happen to be in the mood.
I even have some of the relations.....
My brother, Taran Gray (an up-and-coming musician) is my Emmet. He's big and can be kinda' scary, but he's actually like a cuddly teddy bear. He even fits most twi-fanfic writer's views on Emmy.... he loves Disney music =]
I'm lucky to have not one, but TWO Bella's in my life.
Bella, or Kyla, is the one who got me hooked on the series. She's clumsy and cooks ALL the time, while I sit at the table and talk and amuse myself. She NEVER wears dresses, 'cept when I force her into one for dances and things, I make her pretty for them too =]
My Mexican Bella, Sara, is very clumsy. Aww, she makes me laugh. My silly Bella.
she lets my tortu- I mean beautify her too =]
I have a Leah. She's beautiful, and a good friend of mine. She doesn't smell, but I act like she does.
Sorry girls, no Edward to set you up with.
No Jasper either, yet, but I'm sure he'll come in the next four years or so. =D
I dont live in Forks.. =[
I live in San Diego, CA. I know.... worst place for a vampy, but I manage =]
I LOVE glitter!! =D I have body glitter in various shapes and forms that I adore to apply almost every day, you can't really tell I have it on though.. only when I go into the sunlight..
I'm going off to college soon, so I'm leaving my Bella's behind. But I'm sure I'll meet some crazy characters at school.
If you want to find me, I might be spending all my free time hanging out in diners waiting for a certain "emotionally gifted" gentleman =D
Peace, Love, and a great pair of shoes!
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