
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Still out on The Seas

Let me tell you, a new blade on an exacto makes ALL the difference. It was cutting through paper like it was fresh butter you bought just so you can have it on freshly baked bread...mmmmmmmmmmmm.

I wanted to make a better detailed ship on my first project, but it was too small and I thought that my exacto wasn't up to the challenge (but with this new blade, it might be). So I made this guy
The pages are from Shakespeare's "As You Like It" and it's about 3 3/4 x 5 in.

There's a book sale at our library today. I'm hoping it will be old books and not newer ones. I'm also making an office appointment with the head of our Art Department so I can talk to him about where my art is going and what I should do to further push myself and if I should get a studio space on campus.
For the pushing myself, this project was a bit of a beginning for that. I've been making my designs and drawings more detailed and intricate, so it takes more skill and precision to cut out.

In other news, it's been rainy and cloudy here!!! (she says as the sun's rays start to break through the clouds.. stupid sun.) I wore a sweater yesterday, and today I'm wearing two! I only hope it will stay cool enough. I still have an entire drawer full of sweaters that have been waiting for cold weather (and the sun just went away again! YAY!).

I've been thinking that I need to start getting more into photography. I will need it to be able to document my work as an artist. The first thing would be to get a good camera. The one I have now is pretty bad, even cheap newer point and shoot digital cameras are better. We'll see, right now I've been getting help from my photographer friends, but I can't rely on them forever....

I think I'll play my ukulele now. It sounds like a wonderful thing to do.
-Brenna Kathleen

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