
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I think I should copyright

Check out what I found on Modcloth today.

This past spring I did some painting to sell for my mission's trip. I made some in advance, but I also took requests and made some right there on the spot. I didn't catch photos of all of them, but here's a big picture dump of my paintings. Keep in mind that I don't consider myself a painter or a photographer.
 I had an old copy of Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban that I used to paint on. Most people would consider it an awful thing to do, to take out pages from fine literature and treat it this way. But I love doing it. I don't think it's disrespectful. In fact, I think it to be quite the opposite. I often try to find books or authors I like to make in to art. I use the pages of things that inspire me.
I also love trying to relate the two.
For instance, I painted an owl on a page from the chapter "Owl Post"
 Sometimes the poor art major in me has no other choice but to buy books that I'm not particularly interested in. This page (and others I painted on ) is from an old readers digest. And apparently has several semi-trashy romance novels in it. I found that out when I was in mid-painting and started actually paying attention to some of the words on the page.
For clarification. I bought it because I liked the cover (and kept it for a future project) and the pages had the correct yellow tint that I needed.
 more owl post
 My roommate, Jojo, bought this one from me. I think it was actually the first one I made.
  This was a request, for the chicken on Harry Potter. Love it.
 Another request. I want to recreate this one. I love the wale blue on the book page.
 I made this for my dear friend, Marnie. I call her Narnia, so I painted her the lamp post with Mr. Tumnus.
 More owl post...
 And more owl post... People really liked the owl idea.
Flower commission.

I painted a bunch of different bikes, thinking the hipsters would love it. Some did, most didn't. Next time I need to do more research on things hipsters like.

Well, that was a great reminder to post more of my work! I'm not really going to copyright, but it is giving me ideas to make my own stationary...

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